Regulatory approaches to preventing organised crime among outlaw motorcycle gangs.Report - Australian Institute of Criminology. et al. 2022. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology,#Organised Crime··May 24, 2023Regulatory approaches to preventing organised crime among outlaw motorcycle gangs.
Where were you while we were getting high policing? The consequences of co-location for broader partnership working in tackling organised crime and terrorism.Article - Atkinson, C. Policing & Society. 2019, Vol. 29 Issue 8, p.922-935.#Organised Crime#Terrorism··May 24, 2023Where were you while we were getting high policing? The consequences of co-location for broader partnership working in tackling organised crime and terrorism.
Scotland's Drug Criminality: Organized Crime Group (S) and Illegal Governance.Article - Holligan, C. et al. Deviant Behavior. 2021, Vol. 42 Issue 4, p.518-531.#Organised Crime#Drug crime#Scotland··May 24, 2023Scotland's Drug Criminality: Organized Crime Group (S) and Illegal Governance.
Enablers of illicit drug trafficking by organised crime groups.Article - Morgan, A. and Dowling, C. Trends & Issues in Crime & Criminal Justice. 2023, Issue 665, p.1-19.#Organised Crime#Drug crime··May 24, 2023Enablers of illicit drug trafficking by organised crime groups.
Organised food crime: an analysis of the involvements of organised crime groups in the food sector in England and Italy.Article - Rizzuti, A. Crime, Law & Social Change. 2022, Vol. 78 Issue 5, p.463-482.#Organised Crime#International··May 24, 2023Organised food crime: an analysis of the involvements of organised crime groups in the food sector in England and Italy.
Cheats, Threats and Reflexivity: Organizational Narratives on Policing Organized and Economic Crime.Article - Vestby, A. British Journal of Criminology. 2022, Vol. 62 Issue 1, p.200-217.#Organised Crime··May 24, 2023Cheats, Threats and Reflexivity: Organizational Narratives on Policing Organized and Economic Crime.
Flying in Cyberspace: Policing Global Travel Fraud.Article - Hutchings, A. Policing: A Journal of Policy & Practice. 2021, Vol. 15 Issue 1, p.103-118.#Organised Crime#fraud··May 24, 2023Flying in Cyberspace: Policing Global Travel Fraud.
Routledge handbook of transnational organized crime.Book - Allum, F. and Gilmour, S. (eds.) 2012. Oxford: Routledge.#Organised Crime··May 23, 2023Routledge handbook of transnational organized crime.
Transnational Organized Crime and Jihadist Terrorism : Russian-Speaking Networks in Western Europe.eBook - Fredholm, M. 2018. Abingdon: Routledge.#Organised Crime#Terrorism··May 24, 2023Transnational Organized Crime and Jihadist Terrorism : Russian-Speaking Networks in Western Europe.
Organised crime and the law: a comparative analysis.Book - Campbell, L. 2013. Oxford: Hart Publishing.#Organised Crime··May 23, 2023Organised crime and the law: a comparative analysis.
Organised crime groups involved in fraud.Book - Bhardwa, B. and May, T. 2018. New York: Springer.#Organised Crime#fraud··May 23, 2023Organised crime groups involved in fraud.
Organised crime: a very short introduction.Book - Antonopoulos, G. A. and Papanicolaou, G. 2018. Oxford: Oxford University Press.#Organised Crime··May 23, 2023Organised crime: a very short introduction.
Organized crime and terrorist networks.eBook - Ruggiero, V. (ed.) 2019. Abingdon: Routledge.#Organised Crime#Terrorism··May 22, 2023Organized crime and terrorist networks.
Understanding recruitment to organized crime and terrorism.eBook - Weisburd, D. et al. (eds.) 2020. Cham: Springer.#Organised Crime#Terrorism··May 22, 2023Understanding recruitment to organized crime and terrorism.
Organised crime and law enforcement: a dynamic network perspective.eBook - Bright, D. and Whelan, D. 2020. London: Routledge.#Organised Crime··May 22, 2023Organised crime and law enforcement: a dynamic network perspective.
Ports, crime and security: governing and policing seaports in a changing world.eBook - Sergi, A. 2021. Bristol: Bristol University Press#Organised Crime#Sea Ports··May 22, 2023Ports, crime and security: governing and policing seaports in a changing world.
Police library search - Live results on organised crime.To access the content use your OpenAthens login.#Organised Crime··May 23, 2023Police library search - Live results on organised crime.
eBooks and BooksTo access eBook content use your OpenAthens login.#Organised Crime··May 23, 2023eBooks and Books