Tango, juliet, foxtrot: how did it all go wrong for British policing.eBook - Donnelly, I. 2021. London: Biteback Publishing.#Police Voices#Opinion·search.ebscohost.com·Mar 15, 2022Tango, juliet, foxtrot: how did it all go wrong for British policing.
Views from the frontline: graduate police recruits on the status of evidence-based practice.Article - Hunter, G., May, T. Policing: A Journal of Policy & Practice. Vol. 14 no. 1, 2020, p.91-103.#Police Voices#Opinion·search.ebscohost.com·May 24, 2021Views from the frontline: graduate police recruits on the status of evidence-based practice.
Evidence based policing: a view on its development within the police service.Article - Pepper, I. et al. Journal of Work-Applied Management. Vol. 12 no. 1, 2020, p.91-96.#Police Voices#Opinion·search.ebscohost.com·May 24, 2021Evidence based policing: a view on its development within the police service.
Crossing the line: lessons from a life on duty.Book - Sutherland, J., London: Orion, 2020.#Police Voices#Autobiography#Metropolitan Police·library.college.police.uk·May 24, 2021Crossing the line: lessons from a life on duty.
One step ahead: notes from the problem solving unit.Book - Colgan, S., London: Unbound, 2018.#Police Voices#Opinion·library.college.police.uk·May 24, 2021One step ahead: notes from the problem solving unit.
Behind the blue line: my fight against racism and discrimination in the police.Book - Virdi, G. London: Biteback Publishing, 2018.#Police Voices#Metropolitan Police#Racial Discrimination·library.college.police.uk·May 24, 2021Behind the blue line: my fight against racism and discrimination in the police.
My way: a unique and personal insight into the changes in policing and police leadership style over the years.Book - Moore, K., Pontypool: Saron Publishers, 2018#Police Voices#Sussex Police·library.college.police.uk·May 24, 2021My way: a unique and personal insight into the changes in policing and police leadership style over the years.
Police disclosures: a critical analysis of some recent police autobiographiesArticle - Howe, N. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. Vol. 49 no. 3, 2010, p203-214.#Autobiography#Police Voices·search.ebscohost.com·Jun 1, 2021Police disclosures: a critical analysis of some recent police autobiographies
Police library search - Live results on Police Voices.To access the content use your OpenAthens login.#Police Voices#Opinion·search.ebscohost.com·May 24, 2021Police library search - Live results on Police Voices.
eBooks and BooksTo access eBook content use your OpenAthens login.#Police Voices#Opinion·library.college.police.uk·May 24, 2021eBooks and Books