Journal of Criminology.Journal - Search on public order or public disorder.#Public order··Dec 5, 2022Journal of Criminology.
Charged: how the police try to suppress protest.eBook - Foot, M. et al. 2022. London: Verso,#Public order··Aug 4, 2022Charged: how the police try to suppress protest.
College of Policing - Public Order.#Public order··May 30, 2022College of Policing - Public Order.
Police library search - Live results on public order.To access the content use your OpenAthens login.#Public order··May 30, 2022Police library search - Live results on public order.
eBooks and BooksTo access eBook content use your OpenAthens login.#Public order··May 30, 2022eBooks and Books
Police and the expansion of public order law in Britain, 1829-2013.Book - Channing, I. 2015. London: Routledge.#Public order··May 30, 2022Police and the expansion of public order law in Britain, 1829-2013.
Dialogue police, decision making, and the management of public order during protest crowd events.Article - Gorringe, H. et al. Journal of Investigative Psychology & Offender Profiling. 2012, Vol. 9 Issue 2, p.111-125.#Public order#Events Policing··May 30, 2022Dialogue police, decision making, and the management of public order during protest crowd events.
From Sir Robert Peel to PLTS: adapting to liaison based public order policing in England Wales.Book Chapter - Stott, C. and Gorringe, H. In: The Future of Policing. Brown, J. M. (ed.). Hoboken: Routledge, 2013.#Public order··May 30, 2022From Sir Robert Peel to PLTS: adapting to liaison based public order policing in England Wales.
Advances in liaison based public order policing in England: human rights and negotiating the management of protest.Article - Stott, C. et al. Policing: a journal of policy and practice. 2013, Vol. 7 no. 2, p.212-226.#Public order#Protests··May 30, 2022Advances in liaison based public order policing in England: human rights and negotiating the management of protest.
Policing unacceptable protest in England and Wales: a case study of the policing of anti-fracking protests.Article - Jackson, W. et al. Critical Social Policy. 2018, Vol. 39 no.1, p.23-43.#Public order#Protests··May 30, 2022Policing unacceptable protest in England and Wales: a case study of the policing of anti-fracking protests.
Police response to riots : case studies from France, London, Ferguson, and Baltimore.eBook - den Heyer, G. 2020. Cham: Springer.#Public order#Riots··May 30, 2022Police response to riots : case studies from France, London, Ferguson, and Baltimore.
Police interaction and Notting Hill Carnival.Article - Kilgallon, A. Policing & Society. 2020, Vol. 30 Issue 1, p.28-46.#Public order#Events Policing··May 30, 2022Police interaction and Notting Hill Carnival.
Policing of transnational protest.eBook - Porta, D.D. and Peterson, A. (eds). 2006. Abingdon: Routledge.#Public order#Protests··Apr 6, 2021Policing of transnational protest.
Policing public disorder: theory and practice.Book - Waddington, D. 2007. Cullompton: Willan Publishing.#Public order#Police power#Football hooliganism··Apr 6, 2021Policing public disorder: theory and practice.
Protest handbook.Book - Wainwright, T. et al. 2012. London: Bloomsbury Professional.#Public order#demonstrations#Police power··Apr 6, 2021Protest handbook.