Leadership, Volunteering and the Special ConstabularyChapter- Ramshaw, P. et. al. (2019) In : Police Leadership : Changing Landscapes. pp.121-144#volunteering#special constabulary·search.ebscohost.com·Oct 14, 2024Leadership, Volunteering and the Special Constabulary
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Shared Practice, Learning, and Goals between Police and Young People: A Qualitative Analysis of the National Volunteer Police CadetsArticle - DeMarco, J. & Bifulco, A. (2021) Policing: A Journal of Policy & Practice. Vol. 15 Issue 4, pp.2095-2110.#volunteering#police cadets#special constabulary·search.ebscohost.com·Oct 8, 2024Shared Practice, Learning, and Goals between Police and Young People: A Qualitative Analysis of the National Volunteer Police Cadets