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Growing a Human: The First 30 Weeks
How my 3-year-old learnt to read
The Cost of Kids
(there have been good moments and I'm sure it'll get better but)
Thanks Stephen! I'll DM you an invite to our "dads" discord
fellow parents: is the most believable voice I know of on educating our children, especially in stoking curiosity and independent inquiry. He’s got a track record and can explain it.
The book that completely changed my perspective on life:
Parenting : Who is it really for? | Derek Sivers
On Being An Altruistic Parent
How I want to raise my future kids
Notes on how to support new parents (only from my experience, idk how much this generalises):
Slow thread on things I’ve discovered/that surprised me about having a newborn:
Two outside view parenting things most people don’t seem to know: