Myths of the nature of science — Science Learning Hub
DOCTEUR G - Formindep
Metascience - The Emerging Field of Research on the Scientific Process |
Why falsificationism is false
The Debunking Handbook - Redirect page
New Scientist - Google Livres
Welcome to Virtlab!
How to choose a good scientific problem - ranking and mapping scientific journals
Mendeley - Manage and Share Research Papers - Discover Research Data
PLoS Computational Biology: Ten Simple Rules for Organizing a Scientific Meeting
Think - Think Intro
ResearchIndex(NECI) - ResearchIndex: The NECI Scientific Literature Digital Librar
Comput SciBib - Computer Sciences Bibliography
Context Toolkit - Context Toolkit
Comput EpistemLab - Computational Epistemology Laboratory
ESSLLI 2001 Programm - ESSLLI 2001 Programme
HAL - Psycholinguistics
Meme theorists onwe - Meme theorists on the web
For the past 10 years IMMEX has been developing and delivering online problem solving simulations world-wide. During this time dozens of new problem sets have been developed and nearly a half-million problems have been performed by science students from e