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Reversals in psychology
Bul bul0000194
Knowledge Evolved | Noba
APA Educational Psychology Handbook
International Journal for Dialogical Science
The International Journal for Dialogical Science (IJDS) is a peer-reviewed scholarly publication sponsored by the International Society for Dialogical Science (ISDS) and distributed digitally at this Web site.
Hank Cognitive Modelling Environment
environnement modélisation cognitive
Home Page Dr. Michael Dawson
Artifacts - The Invention of Knowledge
Use context in - Facts on the use of context in reading
Elec RefAPA - Electronic Reference Formats Recommended by the AmericanPsy
Dict Phil Mind - Dictionary of Philosophy of Mind
Cours linguistique - Cours de linguistique g
PsychCrawler - PsychCrawler
CogitoSearch - Annuaire de philosophie et de sciences humaines
Reading Online - Welcome to Reading Online
StanfordElec Hum Re - Stanford Electronic Humanities Review (n
Revue Psicologica - RevuePsicologica, articles en anglais
PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Liste de revues Psyc - Liste de revues en psycho, psychiatrie
Elect Jsychology and - Electronic Journals and Periodicals in Psychology and Relate
Current Psychology L - Current Psychology Letters
CRL Newsletter - CRLNewsletter (psycholinguistique)
Behav. Brain Sci - Behavioral
Applied Semiotics / - Applied Semiotics / S
von Glasersfeld, E. - vonGlasersfeld, E. (USA, constructivisme)