TACT Formation des p - TACT Formation des p
SIRS - School Improvement Research Series
The ProjectApproach - Problem-Based Learning
Open School - OpenSchool
National Writing Pro - National Writing Project
National Reading Pan - National Reading Panel (NRP) - Home
Mind, Culture,and A - Mind, Culture, and Activity Homepage
Mind Tools - Mind Tools
IKIT - Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology -IKIT-
Funderstanding-HOME - Funderstanding-HOME
EERA - European Educational ResearchAssociation (EERA)
Creative Teaching Ho - enseignement
Center for Teaching - Enseignement
Educ Info Teach - EducationInformation for New Teachers and Education Student
Core Knowledge - Abo - Core Knowledge - About Core Knowledge
GREX (P.Vermersch) - Association Groupe de recherche sur l'explicitation
Am Ass School Adm - Am Ass SchoolAdm
ERIC homepage
The Project Integration Visualization Tool (PIViT), developed as a flexible design tool for Macintosh and Windows operating systems, helps teachers visualize and plan complex, integrated curricula such as those associated with Project-Based Science. In Pr
From personal and information Agents to interactive demos, modifiable simulations to virtual game worlds, AgentSheets' unique user interface captivates people and draws them into a new relationship with technology. What can you do with it? Create interact
Learning Through Collaborative Visualization
This is the website for the Learning through Collaborative Visualization (CoVis) Project. CoVis is a community of thousands of students, hundreds of teachers, and dozens of researchers all working together to find new ways to think about and practice scie
WorldWatcher: Overview
WorldWatcher, a supportive scientific visualization environment for the investigation of scientific data, has been in use in K-12 and college classrooms since April 1996. Like its predecessor, WorldWatcher provides an accessible and supportive environment
TELS - Design Principles for Educational Software
The Design Principles Database was developed as an infrastructure for designers to publish, connect, discuss and review design ideas. The database is designed to bridge research and design in a communicable and systematic manner. It also has the potential
Site interactif de formation à la communication professionnelle des enseignants
The WebQuest Page at San Diego State University
veille et résumé de texte automatique multilingue en ligne - A. Lehmam
Pertinence Summarizer est une solution de résumé automatique de texte multilingue. Cette solution se fonde uniquement sur des techniques linguistiques codées de façon sophistiquée en XML et en Java. Des fonctionnalités avancées augmentent la pertin
Compilatio.net, outil en ligne de détection de plagiat.
For the past 10 years IMMEX has been developing and delivering online problem solving simulations world-wide. During this time dozens of new problem sets have been developed and nearly a half-million problems have been performed by science students from e
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