February members gathering Bokashi session
Six Inches of Soil
Hartcliffe resident recycles community food waste for compost scheme
How it Works - Soil Food Web
This is the process by which beneficial microorganisms harvest nutrients from soil organic matter and also from the ‘parent material’. Rocks, pebbles, sand particles, silts and clays are all considered ‘parent material’. On a molecular level, they comprise crystalline structures that are not easily broken down. These structures contain atoms of iron, boron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium etc. Plants are not capable of directly accessing the nutrients in these structures.
5 Ways to Build a HÜGELKULTUR Garden Bed
Start Growing Food in January (No Polytunnel or Electric Needed!)
Turn manure into compost for your garden
Do the rot thing - choosing and using a composting system | OSU Extension Service
On-Farm Composting Handbook (NRAES 54)
Sounds of Soil: A New World of Interactions under Our Feet?
Soils in Europe EU mission and ground-up remedies
Comparing cooler with warm composting methods and results
Soil, Diversity and Resilience - Landworkers Alliance
Compost Vs Soil: Can You Use Compost As Soil? - BroadPick
How Mushroom Time-Lapses Are Filmed | WIRED
‘For every problem, there is a mushroom with an answer’: overcoming our British fear of fungi
9 Ways To Deal With Rats (warning: lots of footage of rats, living and dead)
Finding Hope In The Dark Power Of Fungus | NOEMA
Hügelkultur - Wikipedia
COMPOST THE BLACK GOLD- Making Magnificent Compost in 21 Days!
Science of Composting | Planet Natural
a pretty good introduction for the layperson who wants to get deeper into this stuff but finds the more technical books a bit daunting.
Dragon on the roof - Ridan Food Waste Composters
See Inside This Professional Compost Farm | How Earth Care Farm was Built
The Amazing Community Turning City Food Waste into Beautiful Compost | Ben & bEartha (Documentary) - YouTube
How Good Compost Gets Made on Scale | Earth Care Farm - YouTube
Markus Wernli
Compost artist via Nikki Pugh
Composting from start to finish in different types of heap, including a ground level wormery - YouTube
Researchers May Have Just Discovered A New Composting Hack - Cooking Oil! - Compost Magazine
Unfinished Compost: Everything You Need To Know
Common-Sense Compost Making - 1
by Maye E. Bruce