Designing User Interfaces for an Aging Population :: UXmatters
Localisation: why simply translating your UIs won’t work
16 Lesser Known Accessibility Issues | Toward
Keyboard accessibility myths and WCAG - TetraLogical
Creating Accessible UI Animations — Smashing Magazine
Creating Online Environments That Work Well For Older Users — Smashing Magazine
8 Things To Consider When Designing For Children
Usability Testing With Older Adults
Children’s UX: Usability Issues in Designing for Young People
What You Can Learn From Older Adults About Accessible Design
Voice Design Strategies for the Elderly Population
“An accessible website won’t be beautiful”… really?!
Back to Basics: 5 HTML attributes for improved accessibility and user experience - HTMHell
Coding accessibility: How Della found her voice with open source AAC
Stark’s Public Library – Accessibility resources, guides, communities, and more
Playful by Design Toolkit – 5Rights | Digital Futures Commission
Handbook - DeCID
Accessibility overlays
December Accessibility Focus: WAVE and other accessibility tools - Pope Tech Blog
Accessibility Annotation Examples
Get to WCAG 2.2 faster with the GOV.UK Design System
Designing better target sizes
An interactive guide on designing better target sizes on the web.
Accessibility checklist – Benjy Stanton
A list of accessibility recommendations; covering typography, content, layout and interaction.
Making data tables more accessible – Benjy Stanton
A guide to designing accessible, WCAG-conformant focus indicators
A plan for accessible maps
How long until your website is accessible? - Karl Groves
Are you prepared for it to take 7 months (or more) to make your website accessible? If you're like me, you don't go to the store until you're ready to buy something. There's a difference between window shopping and shopping, and I usually don't go into the store and look at specific products until I'm
How to Perform a Web Accessibility Audit
How to prepare for and perform an accessibility audit on your website regardless of size or complexity.
Semantic inline lists
Sometimes, you want an list to be displayed in a line (like a nav menu) rather than vertically.ul class="list-inline" liMerlin/li liUrsula/li liRadagast/li /ul To do that, you typically set list-style to none, then style the list items with some padding in some way (using Flexbox or margins)..list-inline { list-style: none; margin-left: 0; /* This approach uses flexbox */ display: flex; align-items: center; column-gap: 1em; flex-wrap: wrap; } /* You could alternatively style the list items themselves This isn't needed if you use flexbox */ .
Designing for accessibility beyond compliance
Companies approach accessibility as a checklist of standards — but a client with disabilities showed me how to think beyond compliance.