The PARA Method: The Simple System for Organizing Your Digital Life in Seconds
Promotion of the Code - Civil Service Commission
The Civil Service Commission regulates recruitment to the Civil Service, providing assurance that appointments are on merit after fair and open
Civil Service Code | GOV.WALES
Our Civil Servants follow the values and standards of behaviour set out in the Civil Service Code.
The Civil Service code
Code - Civil Service Commission
The Civil Service Commission regulates recruitment to the Civil Service, providing assurance that appointments are on merit after fair and open
A creative’s guide on starting a company
The seven laws for creative entrepreneurship
Digital Dilemmas: Confronting 'Tech Neck' And Sedentary Habits In The Tech Age
Staying Ahead: Embrace the Power of Proactive Health In an era characterised by technological advancement and innovation, our lives have been transformed in many ways....
Small comforts
23 mission statement examples + how to create your own | Zapier
Need to write a mission statement for your business? Check out these mission statement examples, plus some tips for writing your own.
Fear of negative evaluation - Wikipedia
Turning Fear of Failure into Increments of Curiosity
Fear of failure starts in early childhood. We are social animals and feel the need to be accepted by others, which begins with the acceptance and love of our parents.
The Balkans’ alternative postal system: an ad-hoc courier’s tale
The long read: Across this fractured region, informal networks rule. So if you need to send something, ask someone who’s already going that way
Building Like a Band: Teenage Engineering’s Productized Artistry
Teenage Engineering's co-founder discusses lessons artists & teams can learn from the design firm’s enduring success, plus stories about the OP-1, TP-7, & Pocket Operator 💽
The Simple Power of Communicating with Kindness
Three ways brave leaders can build connections with kindness.
How To Create A Rapid Research Program To Support Insights At Scale — Smashing Magazine
Accelerate your organization’s growth and innovation with the power of Rapid Research. From inception to implementation, here is the step-by-step roadmap on how to build the program from scratch and uncover the untapped ROI opportunities waiting to propel your initiatives to new heights.
Clean as you go (a life hack)
A story about a habit I picked up working in restaurants, and how the lesson I learned still helps me write better software to this day.
What the Best Leaders Know — and What Skills They Develop
A conversation with leadership expert Adam Bryant on the recipe for success.
Steven Johnson: The collision of hunches makes us more original thinkers
Steven Johnson, the popular science author, tells Aleks Krotoski why the random factor and just being plain wrong often make innovation better
What is a business strategy? - University of York
A business strategy outlines the specific ways in which an organisation plans to position itself, achieve its goals, and grow.
How to win over journalists with your next pitch email
How to win over journalists with your next pitch email.
Don’t Trust Your Gut
Intuition plays an important role in decision making, but it can be dangerously unreliable in complicated situations. A new set of analytical tools can help you leverage your instinct without being sabotaged by its weaknesses.
Breaking into the speaker circuit | Andy Budd
As somebody who both organises and speaks at events, I’ve got a good insight into the workings of the conference circuit. This is probably why I regularly get emails from people looking for advice on breaking into the speaking circuit. So rather than repeating the same advice via email, I thought I’d write a quick article I could point people to.
Getting Started In Public Speaking: Global Diversity CFP Day — Smashing Magazine
The recent Global Diversity CFP Day aimed to help more people submit their ideas to conferences and get into public speaking. In this article, Rachel Andrew rounds up some of the best takeaways along with other useful resources for new speakers.
Forging a Visionary Path Forward: My Journey from Creative to Founder
6 Ways to Become a More Collaborative Leader
In today’s fast-paced corporate landscape, most highly experienced leaders entering an organization are driven by a desire to make a significant impact and drive meaningful change. However, the approach they adopt in championing new ideas becomes the differentiating factor between success and failure. Unfortunately, when faced with resistance, some leaders become frustrated and disengaged or even choose to leave the organization. Affecting lasting change is not a solitary quest, but an inherently shared effort. It requires embracing a collaborative mindset that respects and includes diverse perspectives, maintains a strategic focus, and patiently navigates the complexities of organizational dynamics. It’s not about surrendering your passion or advocacy but leveraging them in a more inclusive, strategic, and ultimately effective way. The author recommends shifting your mental model from that of a crusader to that of a collaborative leader.
Leveling-Up Your Dev Team - SitePen
Software projects succeed or fail based on the quality of the teams behind them. Expert developers can be hard to find. So how do you get junior developers to level up? It’s not enough to teach how to use a framework or tech stack. Good developers can follow a pattern. Great developers know why patterns are established a
Constant Curiosity: What They Don't Teach You at School | HackerNoon
Companies like Alphabet have consistently sunk millions into their innovation departments, only to be routinely outpaced by smaller operations.
Does the microbiome hold the key to chronic fatigue?
Developers: The Why and How to Writing Technical Articles
I posted a small broadcast on the need for technical articles to add to my publication on a Whatsapp group of over 200 developers and the response I got prompted me to write this short article. I have found out that many developers do not find it important to write articles and I believe it is not right. As if I knew many developers wouldn’t have technical articles, I decided to add the last paragraph to the BC and to my surprise several developers messaged me that they needed help on starting to write technical articles and that is why I decided to write this quick article.
7 Pro Writing Tips for Devs, Founders and Other Non-Writers
When I started my business of making SEO packages and helping businesses rank, I didn’t know that an unpleasant scenario will come knocking at my door only to leave me feeling crippled.