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The science-based benefits of reading
The science-based benefits of reading
I absolutely love reading. Fiction, non-fiction, poems, blogs, newspapers, magazines. Unfortunately, in today’s world, we spend less time reading and more time browsing—scrolling through Tweets, liking Instagram posts. It’s a shame, because reading offers many benefits that are backed by science. If you’re not convinced you should make it a habit, see below for some ... Read More
The science-based benefits of reading
Interviewing Tips: Technical Challenges – Coding & more
Interviewing Tips: Technical Challenges – Coding & more
After making it through the initial application selection and conquering a first set of introductory interviews the interview process often moves on to some form of “technical challenges”. The goal…
Interviewing Tips: Technical Challenges – Coding & more
What is a Staff Engineer?
What is a Staff Engineer?
Diving into the Staff Engineer Role, with Raviraj from Meta
What is a Staff Engineer?
The Cult of the Complex
The Cult of the Complex
’Tis a gift to be simple. ALA’s Zeldman bemoans our industry’s current fetish for the needlessly complicated over the straightforward. Escape the cult of the complex! Get back to improving lives, o…
The Cult of the Complex
All of the writing I did in a week as a software engineer
All of the writing I did in a week as a software engineer
The other day, I was thinking about less-obvious skills that I find helpful for working as a software engineer. Some skills are obvious, like understanding technical topics, learning new things, and thinking like a computer, but there’s a separate class of unobvious skills that an outsider may not immediately think of when they imagine a career in software.1 Empathy and communication are the main ones that come to mind.2 3
All of the writing I did in a week as a software engineer
Why Micromanaging Kills Corporate Culture
Why Micromanaging Kills Corporate Culture
The most important part of a companies culture is trust. People don't feel trusted when you micro-manage and this has disastrous implications.
Why Micromanaging Kills Corporate Culture
The Elements of a Good Apology - Kellblog
The Elements of a Good Apology - Kellblog
A good apology can get you a second chance with a key customer. Learn the elements, both required and optional, in any good business apology.
The Elements of a Good Apology - Kellblog
Beyond SaaS
Beyond SaaS
Software Innovation and Business Models
Beyond SaaS
How to Build Trust - Jacob Kaplan-Moss
How to Build Trust - Jacob Kaplan-Moss
What are the major management behaviors that can help build trust? Management books often cover the importance of trust, but abstractly. There’s precious little writing about the nuts and bolts, the day-to-day tasks of trust-building. That’s the gap I’d like to try to fill with this article.
How to Build Trust - Jacob Kaplan-Moss
Creating And Maintaining A Voice Of Customer Program — Smashing Magazine
Creating And Maintaining A Voice Of Customer Program — Smashing Magazine
Product teams benefit from knowing their users’ needs and how they respond to product updates as they build out the roadmap of a product. This article covers Voice of Customer programs and is aimed at those who work on a product team as well as executives who are looking for how to better inform your products using insight from users.
Creating And Maintaining A Voice Of Customer Program — Smashing Magazine
Make room for ambition
Make room for ambition
You start a new project. The pitch outlines the problem and boundaries of the solution. There's an appetite, like three weeks, that captures how much time it's worth investing. It's time to jump in. You add some to-dos. Have a kickoff call. Mock up a few approaches, throw together a dead simple UI, or spike a potential data model. All ...
Make room for ambition