The ReadME Project Q&A: What you need to know about teaching technical skills
Frontend Mentor | LinkedIn for developers: 4 effective strategies to enhance your personal brand
Where have all the websites gone?
Ten Rules for Negotiating a Job Offer
Council Post: Do It, Delegate It, Ditch It: Your New Approach To Task Management
The Cost of Not Shaping
Asset-light Software Businesses: The New Paradigm for Startups
Practical Magic: Improving Productivity and Happiness for Software Development Teams
How Google takes the pain out of code reviews, with 97% dev satisfaction
How We Use Golden Paths to Solve Fragmentation in Our Software Ecosystem - Spotify Engineering
The creative part of design isn't what you think it is — Dragan Babić
The Ultimate Guide for Making the Best Career Choices in Tech
What i wish i knew as a mid level
Why engineers need to write
How to write
Efficient communication
Career treasure hunt: A comprehensive guide to mentoring from both sides
12 lessons from 5 years of running a tech meetup
How to Build a Personal Brand as a Developer | .cult by Honeypot
Stop trying to recruit unicorns with acorns
My $500M Mars Rover Mistake: A Failure Story — Chris Lewicki
Becoming An Engineering Manager Can Make You Better At Life And Relationships
The next big thing will start out looking like a toy
The idea maze
What the smartest people do on the weekend is what everyone else will do during the week in ten years
Why, how much, and when you should be taking time off as an engineer
Lead and influence: Lessons from an ex-Uber Staff Engineer
Becoming a go-to person gets you promoted. Here's how to do it as a software engineer.
6 tiny wording tweaks to level up your communication as a software engineer
9 key lessons learned on my path from Engineer to VP 🔑