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You Only Launch Once
You Only Launch Once
Whether it is a new product or a new feature, the attention you get at launch is a one time opportunity. So, what should you focus on building?
You Only Launch Once
Networking for Nerds
Networking for Nerds
“Networking.” What a word. When I left grad school in 2015, networking was for slick-haired salesmen, former jocks, and social parasites in general. Real heroes built better mousetraps and the world beat a path to their doors. But then I looked at what real successes actually do - they lead...
Networking for Nerds
The Advanced Spiritual Practice of Doing Whatever You Want
The Advanced Spiritual Practice of Doing Whatever You Want
I was at Nando’s, waiting for my order of chicken wings. These days, I hardly carry my phone, bringing my pocket notepad instead. A lady working there approached me and asked if I was waiting for something. I said, “Yes,” and she replied, “Oh, okay, just checking.”
The Advanced Spiritual Practice of Doing Whatever You Want
Against the Burden of Knowledge
Against the Burden of Knowledge
Why the most intuitive explanation for ideas getting harder to find is wrong
Against the Burden of Knowledge
The Hidden Costs of Over-Collaboration
The Hidden Costs of Over-Collaboration
In the wake of Agile’s success and the benefits it offers organizations to help them achieve faster delivery, happier customers, and more engaged teams, “Collaboration” has become…
The Hidden Costs of Over-Collaboration
Engineering is more about people than tech
Engineering is more about people than tech
Spoiler: I assumed that I would just code all day and that's it. Well, I was very wrong!
Engineering is more about people than tech
The senior engineer role
The senior engineer role
The 2016 is the 10th year I am working full time in the computer science field. Before that I had graduate school, a startup, an undergraduate degree, high school - always programming. My first progra
The senior engineer role
Freelancers: Should You Show Up as You or a Company?
Freelancers: Should You Show Up as You or a Company?
What to call your design business is one of the biggest questions freelance designers face. As a designer you are running a business, whether you have an LLC that clients write checks out to or not. But you are also a person who designs, and your reputation is likely tied to your first and last name. (Unless you’re so famous people only refer to you by one of them.)
Freelancers: Should You Show Up as You or a Company?
Actually try on your job applications
Actually try on your job applications
It can be a pain to put in more effort on job applications, but it takes you further than you think.
Actually try on your job applications
Cal Newport, the man who never procrastinates
Cal Newport, the man who never procrastinates
This Georgetown professor, podcaster, and best-selling author of ‘Deep Work’ and ‘So Good They Can’t Ignore You’ has the key to meeting goals and having free time. His personal success is proof that his techniques work
Cal Newport, the man who never procrastinates