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Designing Brand Identity | 6th Edition
Designing Brand Identity | 6th Edition
From research to brand strategy, design execution to launch and governance, Designing Brand Identity is a compendium of tools and best practices that demystifies, inspires, and provides a road map to creating sustainable and successful brands.
Designing Brand Identity | 6th Edition
The Pattern Seekers
The Pattern Seekers
'Celebrates human cognitive diversity, and is rich with empathy and psychological insight' Steven Pinker 'Bold, intriguing, profound' Jay Elwes, Spectator Why can humans alone invent? In this book, psychologist and world renowned autism expert Simon Baron-Cohen puts forward a bold new theory: because we can identify patterns, specifically if-and-then patterns. Baron-Cohen argues that the genes for this unique ability overlap with the genes for autism and have driven human progress for 70,000 years. From the first musical instruments to the agricultural, industrial, and digital revolutions, Pattern Seekers links one of our greatest human strengths with a condition that is so often misunderstood and challenges us to think differently about those who think differently.
The Pattern Seekers
Quality Printed Books on Front-End, Design, UX, Accessibility — Smashing Magazine
Quality Printed Books on Front-End, Design, UX, Accessibility — Smashing Magazine
Success at Scale is a curated collection of best-practice case studies capturing how production sites of different sizes tackle performance, accessibility, capabilities, and developer experience at scale. Case studies are from industry experts with guidance that stands the test of time. High-quality hardcover. Curated by Addy Osmani. Cover art by Espen Brunborg. Print and eBook shipping in fall 2023.
Quality Printed Books on Front-End, Design, UX, Accessibility — Smashing Magazine
UX Writing Resource Library - Home
UX Writing Resource Library - Home
the complete library of books, blogs, communities, online courses, and many other UX writing resources to give you a focused overview of the field, help you stay on top of the game, or show you the first step into the world of UX writing
UX Writing Resource Library - Home
Matt Zwolinski and John Tomasi on The Individualists
Matt Zwolinski and John Tomasi on The Individualists
Libertarianism emerged in the mid-nineteenth century with an unwavering commitment to progressive causes, from women’s rights and the fight against slavery to anti-colonialism and Irish emancipation.
Matt Zwolinski and John Tomasi on The Individualists
Scrounging: A Cookbook
Scrounging: A Cookbook
A collection of late-night, last-ditch recipes and ingenious back-of-the-pantry meals straight from movies.Scrounging includes an introduction by Matty Matheson and scrappy concoctions from 54 films, including The Breakfast Club's Pixy Stix sandwich, The Apartment's tennis racket spaghetti, The Martian's baked potato w
Scrounging: A Cookbook
子どもりょうり絵本 ジブリの食卓 天空の城ラピュタ
子どもりょうり絵本 ジブリの食卓 天空の城ラピュタ
スタジオジブリ | 2023年08月10日頃発売 | 『子どもりょうり絵本 ジブリの食卓』は、スタジオジブリ作品から生まれた料理絵本シリーズ。作品に登場した食べ物や、作品世界からイメージして制作したオリジナルレシピを紹介しています。『子どもりょうり絵本 ジブリの食卓 天空の城ラピュタ』では、どうくつの中でシータとパズーが食べた目玉焼きパンや、かいぞくたちがタイガーモス号で夢中で食べたシチューなど、数々の食のシーンをふりかえりながら、 おうちでつくるための調理プロセスをご紹介しています。「飛行石の…
子どもりょうり絵本 ジブリの食卓 天空の城ラピュタ
Leadership books I recommend
Leadership books I recommend
You want recommendations for books on engineering leadership? I have good news and bad news: Good: I have plenty of recommendations for you! Bad: Getting through every book I recommend is like trying to visit every new restaurant that opens in Atlanta – it’s not going to happen, but you can try!
Leadership books I recommend
Quality Printed Books on Front-End, Design, UX, Accessibility — Smashing Magazine
Quality Printed Books on Front-End, Design, UX, Accessibility — Smashing Magazine
Images have always been a key part of the web. Our brains are able to interpret images much faster than text, which is why high-quality visuals drive conversions and user engagement. That said, loading images efficiently at scale isn’t a little project for a quiet afternoon. It requires understanding of compression techniques, loading behavior, image decoding and image CDNs, adaptive media loading and caching. This book will equip you with everything you need to know to optimize how you compress, serve and maintain images — boosting performance along the way. Jump to table of contents. 528 pages. High quality hardcover + eBook (PDF, ePUB, Kindle). Written by Addy Osmani. Shipping now.
Quality Printed Books on Front-End, Design, UX, Accessibility — Smashing Magazine