Designing with legacy

Building smarter Figma components: crafting for efficiency
Figma files organization’s tips from the Doctolib team
Why Product Thinking is the next big thing in UX Design
Great Digital Products Don’t Happen By Accident.
Copying is the way design works
Optical Adjustment – Logic vs. Designers
Bottleneck #06: Onboarding
Historical Trails
Material Design
Pocket Guide — LxD Lab
Users Don’t Hate Change. They Hate Our Design Choices.
Designing Everything
Minimalist Affordances: Making the right tradeoffs • Lea Verou
Miller’s Law | Laws of UX
Hick’s Law | Laws of UX
Comprehensive guide to enhancing UX of legacy products | Koru
Are design ethics useless?
Naming Variables In CSS
5 Ways To Identify Your Ideal Audience - Josh Spector
Why does the chromaticity diagram look like that?
Breaking down a design
Breaking the Figma addiction
Rejecting restraints: Mike Nigra on combining typographic anatomies
The dribbblisation of design
System Usability Scale for Data-Driven UX
Test often to keep your designs simple
Why designers design forms
What Exactly is “Modern” CSS?
The business case for UX research