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The Case for Prototyping and a Definitive Guide to Its Effective Use
The Case for Prototyping and a Definitive Guide to Its Effective Use
Prototyping is a crucial tool in the development of websites and other digital services. In this lesson I explore its potential and share tips and techniques for getting the most from it.
The Case for Prototyping and a Definitive Guide to Its Effective Use
Introduction to design systems | Storybook Tutorials
Introduction to design systems | Storybook Tutorials
Learn how to develop UIs with components and design systems. Our in-depth frontend guides are created by Storybook maintainers and peer-reviewed by the open source community.
Introduction to design systems | Storybook Tutorials
Designing for the Unexpected – A List Apart
Designing for the Unexpected – A List Apart
As devices continue to diversify in dizzying ways, how can we make sure our work on the web stays as relevant as ever for the long haul? Cathy Dutton shares how practitioners must design for the un…
Designing for the Unexpected – A List Apart
Amazing Examples of Vintage Style Web Design - Qode Interactive
Amazing Examples of Vintage Style Web Design - Qode Interactive
Explore some of the most significant periods from the past that have influenced modern creatives and discover beautiful examples of vintage style web design
Amazing Examples of Vintage Style Web Design - Qode Interactive
Design Principles
Design Principles
An Open Source collection of Design Principles and methods
Design Principles
How to Build a Low-tech Website?
How to Build a Low-tech Website?
Our new blog is designed to radically reduce the energy use associated with accessing our content.
How to Build a Low-tech Website?
AVIF has landed
AVIF has landed
AVIF is the first browser image format we've had in 10 years. Let's see how it performs…
AVIF has landed
I Don’t Care What Google or Apple or Whoever Did
I Don’t Care What Google or Apple or Whoever Did
Please do not use this post as an excuse to beat up the devs at Apple or Google. If you are doing that, you have missed the point of this post and you are being unnecessarily mean to individuals who may have no control over broader organizational decisions. Do not…
I Don’t Care What Google or Apple or Whoever Did
Just-in-time Design
Just-in-time Design
Connecting design to modern product development
Just-in-time Design
How To Take Charge Of A UX Kickoff Meeting — Smashing Magazine
How To Take Charge Of A UX Kickoff Meeting — Smashing Magazine
In this article, let’s look at how to run a kickoff and how to get yourself into a positive position in which you can steer the ship, rather than crash it into the dock.
How To Take Charge Of A UX Kickoff Meeting — Smashing Magazine
Using Ethics In Web Design — Smashing Magazine
Using Ethics In Web Design — Smashing Magazine
Developers and designers need to initiate a conversation about the ethics of web design, i.e. how do we define and measure goodness and rightness in the digital realm? It's important to discuss responsibilities, decisions, and consequences.
Using Ethics In Web Design — Smashing Magazine
Why the double diamond isn’t enough
Why the double diamond isn’t enough
The design process doesn’t end with prototyping. Unfortunately, designers are more often than not are pulled off a project when the…
Why the double diamond isn’t enough
The Best Handoff Is No Handoff — Smart Interface Design Patterns
The Best Handoff Is No Handoff — Smart Interface Design Patterns
Design handoffs are inefficient and painful. They cause frustration, friction and a lot of back and forth. Can we avoid them altogether? Of course we can! Let’s see how to do just that.
The Best Handoff Is No Handoff — Smart Interface Design Patterns
Design system structure for teams, projects and files | Figma Community
Design system structure for teams, projects and files | Figma Community
The Figma advocate team's recommendations for structuring your design system! Whether you're on the professional, organisation, or enterprise plan, you can get started with Figma libraries and build out your system. Within this file, there is advice on: The structural differences between each ...
Design system structure for teams, projects and files | Figma Community