

Dave 🧱 (@darn.es)
Dave 🧱 (@darn.es)
Time to go full tilt #CSS with @bell.bz at @ffconf.org #ffconf
Dave 🧱 (@darn.es)
Nate Moore (@natemoo.re)
Nate Moore (@natemoo.re)
Tips for tricking people into thinking you are a great cook: Double the butter Double the salt Use chicken broth instead of water
Nate Moore (@natemoo.re)
luna (@imlunahey.com)
luna (@imlunahey.com)
i’m seeing this a lot on here. 💖 [contains quote post or other embedded content]
luna (@imlunahey.com)
Taz Singh (@tazsingh.com)
Taz Singh (@tazsingh.com)
Sorry folks I was unaware of this rule. Here is cat, pls forgiv [contains quote post or other embedded content]
Taz Singh (@tazsingh.com)
Rhys Wynne (@rhyswynne.bsky.social)
Rhys Wynne (@rhyswynne.bsky.social)
I've just published a new blog post: In which I share that I've completed another of my "50 before I'm 50", and may have accidentally found a new hobby. I've released a video game. https://www.rhyswynne.co.uk/50-before-im-50-release-a-video-game/ #gamedev #development #godot
Rhys Wynne (@rhyswynne.bsky.social)
joel 🌦️ (@joelhooks.com)
joel 🌦️ (@joelhooks.com)
more pictures of comet in various bowls and baskets over the years [contains quote post or other embedded content]
joel 🌦️ (@joelhooks.com)
Addy Osmani (@addyosmani.bsky.social)
Addy Osmani (@addyosmani.bsky.social)
The best software is built by engineers who have empathy for their users. They're fully dialed into their needs.
Addy Osmani (@addyosmani.bsky.social)
Daniel Idaszak (@idaszakdaniel.bsky.social)
Daniel Idaszak (@idaszakdaniel.bsky.social)
Hello, I'm Daniel 👋 On my blog www.idaszak.com/newsletter/ you can find content about: ⚙️ Software Engineering, 📖 Documentation, 🧠 Leadership and Soft Skills. https://www.idaszak.com/newsletter/
Daniel Idaszak (@idaszakdaniel.bsky.social)
Marisa (@marisamorby.bsky.social)
Marisa (@marisamorby.bsky.social)
Great talks yesterday at #btconf and I loved this bit of philosophy from @jessicahische.bsky.social.
Marisa (@marisamorby.bsky.social)
Thomas Fuchs 🔭🕹️ (@thomasfuchs.at)
Thomas Fuchs 🔭🕹️ (@thomasfuchs.at)
Lotus Agenda was so far ahead of its time (ad from 1988) Full-size: https://archive.org/details/byte-magazine-1988-08/page/n23/mode/2up
Thomas Fuchs 🔭🕹️ (@thomasfuchs.at)
Pavel (@spavel.bsky.social)
Pavel (@spavel.bsky.social)
A/B testing is not product design. It can tell you if you're wrong, but it won’t tell you what the right way is.
Pavel (@spavel.bsky.social)
Sam Rose (@samwho.dev)
Sam Rose (@samwho.dev)
I’ve worked in an above average number of companies, and as a result think I’ve probably asked an above average number of stupid questions, and I can confirm everything in this is true, in every company I’ve worked at. [contains quote post or other embedded content]
Sam Rose (@samwho.dev)
dothash (@dothash.win)
dothash (@dothash.win)
What is the scientific explanation behind this behavior? I do this all the time. [contains quote post or other embedded content]
dothash (@dothash.win)
Sarah Drasner (@sarahedo.bsky.social)
Sarah Drasner (@sarahedo.bsky.social)
What it’s like to be friends with me, random text: “HELLO {name}, I know we haven’t spoken in {x} years, how are you! Remember that API we used for {dumb side project}, do you remember what that was? I’m making {new dumb side project}. Anyways, hope you’re eating lots of {common favorite food}”
Sarah Drasner (@sarahedo.bsky.social)
Adam Fortuna (@adamfortuna.com)
Adam Fortuna (@adamfortuna.com)
BlueSky bloggers: link me to your favorite long-form written content you’ve ever created. I’m trying to retrain my brain with RSS feeds and want to follow more cool people. 🧠👏 Bonus points for web dev, personal growth, goals, travel, photography, UI/UX, or sharing cool things you’ve learned.
Adam Fortuna (@adamfortuna.com)
Ivan Reese (@spiralganglion.com)
Ivan Reese (@spiralganglion.com)
A starter pack for the extended Future of Coding community universe. Get in, nerds! go.bsky.app/TosmmHK [contains quote post or other embedded content]
Ivan Reese (@spiralganglion.com)
Anna Spysz (@annaspies.dev)
Anna Spysz (@annaspies.dev)
Alright, I did it, I made a starter pack! Am I doing bluesky right yet? go.bsky.app/JdHEiGM [contains quote post or other embedded content]
Anna Spysz (@annaspies.dev)
Corbin Crutchley (@crutchcorn.dev)
Corbin Crutchley (@crutchcorn.dev)
If you're new to following me, I'd love to share my book that I published in March: framework.guide It teaches React, Angular, and Vue for free! No email signups, no account needed, nothing. I want to help get others into tech and this is part of that process. 💖 Feedback welcomed! 💡 https://framework.guide
Corbin Crutchley (@crutchcorn.dev)