

Wes Bos (@wesbos.com)
Wes Bos (@wesbos.com)
In the age of AI, short form video and hot takes, the competitive advantage of the future is the ability to go deep, read the docs, build something new, learn hard things that take time. [contains quote post or other embedded content]
Wes Bos (@wesbos.com)
Kane (@kaneblob.bsky.social)
Kane (@kaneblob.bsky.social)
Calling this done now because I've had little motivation to draw but I hate to have this sitting around much longer
Kane (@kaneblob.bsky.social)
Jason Beaird (@jasongraphix.com)
Jason Beaird (@jasongraphix.com)
Same! Feeling good about importing my Twitter archive now but… How is @sarasoueidan.com’s amazing ALA article already over a decade old?
Jason Beaird (@jasongraphix.com)
Ryan Castillo (@rmcastil.bsky.social)
Ryan Castillo (@rmcastil.bsky.social)
Are bots a thing here? I’m having a hard time distinguishing who’s a legit follower. If you followed me and I didn’t follow back reply to this with your favorite treat yo self purchase and I’ll follow you back. https://media.tenor.com/hKlSdRU0JRMAAAAC/im-gonna-treat-myself-batman.gif?hh=280&ww=498
Ryan Castillo (@rmcastil.bsky.social)
Jukesie (@jukes.ie)
Jukesie (@jukes.ie)
I hit my target for the amount of newsletters I planned to send this year early so thought I'd do a bit of a review - especially as I'm not sending any in December. In 2024 I sent 45 newsletters Net subscribers went from 2082 → 2234 (my target was 200) Average open rate 67% Average click rate 15% [contains quote post or other embedded content]
Jukesie (@jukes.ie)
Ignacia Orellana (@ignaciaorellana.bsky.social)
Ignacia Orellana (@ignaciaorellana.bsky.social)
Hi Pavel, could I be added? Also @wholistics.bsky.social @claragt.bsky.social @timpaul.co.uk @karakane-kk.bsky.social @nikolagoger.bsky.social @amyhupe.bsky.social @iknowdavehouse.bsky.social @kubabartwicki.bsky.social @joelanman.bsky.social @frankieroberto.com @cjforms.bsky.social
Ignacia Orellana (@ignaciaorellana.bsky.social)
Wolfgang Bremer (@wolfgang.bremer.co)
Wolfgang Bremer (@wolfgang.bremer.co)
I’m confused by how to best read #threads on @bsky.app. I wanted to read this one by @safety.bsky.app but when tapping on the first post (or on ‘View full thread’), I simply couldn’t find the rest. I had to tap on a subsequent post and then scroll up to the top to read it. Is there a better way? 🤔
Wolfgang Bremer (@wolfgang.bremer.co)
Shaun Conner (@sconner.net)
Shaun Conner (@sconner.net)
Bad design can actually harm users. I'm not sure enough people understand this, especially for services that involve money. Working for a bank taught me the harsh reality, but I'm sure the same outcomes can happen for people who cannot access their benefits, for example. Design is so important.
Shaun Conner (@sconner.net)
Robb Owen (@robbowen.digital)
Robb Owen (@robbowen.digital)
This, but Wales would be nice. The Silicon Valleys starter pack, if you will 🤔 [contains quote post or other embedded content]
Robb Owen (@robbowen.digital)
Andrei Robu (@andreirobu.bsky.social)
Andrei Robu (@andreirobu.bsky.social)
I’ve created a type foundry starter list if you’re looking for more people to follow. go.bsky.app/CvnALNW [contains quote post or other embedded content]
Andrei Robu (@andreirobu.bsky.social)
Benjy Stanton (@benjystanton.bsky.social)
Benjy Stanton (@benjystanton.bsky.social)
Hi new followers 👋🏻 (Guessing I've been added to a starter pack?) My name is Benjy, I'm an interaction designer based in Swansea 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 I post about user centred design, public service digital, accessibility, inclusive design, gigs, music, coffee, beer and weeknotes. www.benjystanton.co.uk #intro https://www.benjystanton.co.uk/
Benjy Stanton (@benjystanton.bsky.social)
Marie Le Conte (@youngvulgarian.bsky.social)
Marie Le Conte (@youngvulgarian.bsky.social)
problem with being an ingredients household is that circa five times a year I actually really don't want to cook and end up having a truly unhinged lunch of, to take today as an example, "muesli, kimchi, a tin of tuna and some raspberries"
Marie Le Conte (@youngvulgarian.bsky.social)
Brandon Caples (@bcaples.bsky.social)
Brandon Caples (@bcaples.bsky.social)
I'm so hopeful about this treatment. My wife suffers from lupus; it's a horrible condition. https://www.science.org/content/article/breakthrough-cancer-immunotherapy-now-taking-aim-autoimmune-disease
Brandon Caples (@bcaples.bsky.social)
Adriana Porter Felt (@apf.bsky.social)
Adriana Porter Felt (@apf.bsky.social)
it took me a solid five years in my early twenties to realize that when someone asks me to grab coffee with them, I should not answer "no thanks, I don't like coffee" 🫠 [contains quote post or other embedded content]
Adriana Porter Felt (@apf.bsky.social)
Nick Williams (@wicky.nillia.ms)
Nick Williams (@wicky.nillia.ms)
Wrote my first custom eslint rule today. Surprised how easy it was! Literally 20 minutes and I had it doing what I wanted. 10 more and I'd written tests as well
Nick Williams (@wicky.nillia.ms)
Nick Williams (@wicky.nillia.ms)
Nick Williams (@wicky.nillia.ms)
AST Explorer is absolutely invaluable for this kind of thing astexplorer.net https://astexplorer.net/
Nick Williams (@wicky.nillia.ms)
Nick Williams (@wicky.nillia.ms)
Nick Williams (@wicky.nillia.ms)
Yeah! My first port of call was to email everyone, give them a heads up about that pitfall. But then I thought why not automate it so people don't have to remember. Writing the rule was a fun end to the week :)
Nick Williams (@wicky.nillia.ms)
Amy McNichol (@amymcnichol.bsky.social)
Amy McNichol (@amymcnichol.bsky.social)
You can now pre-order the I Thought About That A Lot book! ithoughtaboutthatalot.com/shop It includes 23 essays that we’ve published on ithoughtaboutthatalot.com between 2020 and 2023. As well as 3 that will be part of this year's advent calendar. https://www.ithoughtaboutthatalot.com/shop
Amy McNichol (@amymcnichol.bsky.social)
Nick Williams (@wicky.nillia.ms)
Nick Williams (@wicky.nillia.ms)
Super helpful, especially hovering code/ast and it highlighting the corresponding section on the other side. I found a number of tests where there wasn't chained an assertion onto a mock. So they'd never fail no matter what. The eslint rule shouts at you if you forget the assertions :)
Nick Williams (@wicky.nillia.ms)
patak (@patak.dev)
patak (@patak.dev)
https://bsky.app/profile/patak.dev/post/3laqz5xdxec2d [contains quote post or other embedded content]
patak (@patak.dev)
Jason Williams (@jasew.bsky.social)
Jason Williams (@jasew.bsky.social)
Thanks to everyone at @perfnow.bsky.social for making us feel welcome and putting on a good conference. Really enjoyed meeting you all! [contains quote post or other embedded content]
Jason Williams (@jasew.bsky.social)