

The reason why I am independent and advocate a life-long career is because for me, "creating things" is no longer a job. That's why there is no retirement. Creating things is living. One more thing. In the game industry, there are very few people who have succeeded in becoming… https://t.co/M5yclASi1I https://t.co/48v9uWOk01 — HIDEO_KOJIMA (@HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN) Dec 16, 2023
Tweet by @TaelurAlexis
Tweet by @TaelurAlexis
Yes companies should hire juniors but what’s more essential is creating a proper onboarding and training process for your new hires. Don’t just throw them into the fire and get mad when they can’t perform to your expectations. That’s what I’ve seen a lot from startups — Tae’lur Alexis (@TaelurAlexis) Dec 14, 2023
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Tweet by @simonswiss
Tweet by @simonswiss
Loved this moment when @KevinJPowell sees himself on the top of the list of influential people in the CSS world 🤗 Very well deserved — your videos are great! https://t.co/0inwEgXkek — Simon Vrachliotis 🇨🇭🇦🇺🏀🏄‍♂️🏂💻 (@simonswiss) Dec 14, 2023
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Tweet by @sparcbuddy
Tweet by @sparcbuddy
@leeerob @gaforres The ats is not going to check my linkedin or github — CoolGuyIndian09 (@sparcbuddy) Dec 13, 2023
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Tweet by @TaelurAlexis
Tweet by @TaelurAlexis
Florence is magical 🥰 https://t.co/u07gFFWD6m — Tae’lur Alexis (@TaelurAlexis) Dec 10, 2023
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Tweet by @_Rakuji
Tweet by @_Rakuji
https://t.co/Bfz6T3mdyr — 「樂」 (@_Rakuji) Dec 10, 2023
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Tweet by @leeerob
Tweet by @leeerob
TIME during "peak Swift" handled 100k requests/second with @nextjs self-hosted 👏 https://t.co/8Subas2RPb https://t.co/wfCtfgZ21I — Lee Robinson (@leeerob) Dec 9, 2023
Tweet by @leeerob
Tweet by @ChloeCondon
Tweet by @ChloeCondon
My dad asked what a meme is, so I'm educating him: https://t.co/A2x0rQ7GGl — Chloe Condon (@ChloeCondon) Dec 9, 2023
Tweet by @ChloeCondon
Tweet by @csswizardry
Tweet by @csswizardry
My audits really do go this deep. You should get one for yourself… https://t.co/1ludzBFC21 — Harry Roberts (@csswizardry) Dec 8, 2023
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Tweet by @seaotta
Tweet by @seaotta
Join @jh3yy & I next week as we kick off the first episode of our podcast next week 🎉 https://t.co/o7HSKvAO47 — Stephanie 🔮 Web Witch (@seaotta) Dec 8, 2023
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Tweet by @_Rakuji
Tweet by @_Rakuji
NEW CONTRACT SIGNED — 「樂」 (@_Rakuji) Dec 6, 2023
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Tweet by @boagworld
Tweet by @boagworld
I have always defended the role of the generalist in the face of a greater push towards specializing . In the light of the growth of AI, this is becoming even more true as this article clearly outlines. https://t.co/1LAbXUIEjG — Paul Boag (@boagworld) Dec 6, 2023
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Tweet by @cassiecodes
Tweet by @cassiecodes
Dogs are so weird. I've had covid for a week and every morning I've woken up to Brody quietly sleeping as close to me as possible. This morning I woke up with a huge pile of his toys next to the bed and him staring at me expectantly. He was right. I do feel better. — Cassie Evans (@cassiecodes) Dec 5, 2023
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Tweet by @somefinetweets
Tweet by @somefinetweets
🔥🔥🔥 https://t.co/EjzDwvxGIB — Anna Fine AF (@somefinetweets) Dec 4, 2023
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Tweet by @argyleink
Tweet by @argyleink
```css nav { animation: color-in linear both, shadow-in linear both; animation-timeline: scroll(); animation-range: 0% 10svh; } ``` from 0%-10svh scroll range, drive a shadow and background color animation. https://t.co/eRanPe8758 https://t.co/fBf80RVoJV — Adam Argyle (@argyleink) Dec 4, 2023
Tweet by @argyleink
With Guerrilla Games team! https://t.co/90YRtFVL1O — HIDEO_KOJIMA (@HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN) Dec 4, 2023
Tweet by @mpopv
Tweet by @mpopv
2023 will be the last time we ever got to experience a semantically lossless internet. From now on we face a creeping tide of machine hallucinations, collapsing all human knowledge toward common patterns like a gradually oncoming digital Mandela effect https://t.co/Luq0JPruvN — Matt Popovich (@mpopv) Nov 29, 2023
Tweet by @mpopv
With streaming services, you turn it on and a recommended list of the latest titles appears. With no pre knowledge you watch (or play) it you make a digital choice between "it was fun 👍" or "it was boring 👎". It used to be a lot different in the past. I would get the news… https://t.co/8UsvcIjzG9 https://t.co/4UOuwqbDcV — HIDEO_KOJIMA (@HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN) Dec 2, 2023
Tweet by @boagworld
Tweet by @boagworld
Looking for ways to handle dreadful feedback from stakeholders? I've got you covered! Learn how to make the most of client feedback in this week's newsletter. https://t.co/Fw5CBsUCVX #UXDesign #StakeholderFeedback https://t.co/H1YTwJ4mSP — Paul Boag (@boagworld) Dec 1, 2023
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Tweet by @adamwathan
Tweet by @adamwathan
Little UI polish tip — add `pointer-events: none` to elements like dropdown menus while they are fading out so things like hover interactions on the elements behind them happen immediately, instead of kicking in after the transition is done. — Adam Wathan (@adamwathan) Dec 1, 2023
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Tweet by @simonswiss
Tweet by @simonswiss
Current status ❤️ https://t.co/IfQ3CC6hZS — Simon Vrachliotis 🇨🇭🇦🇺🏀🏄‍♂️🏂💻 (@simonswiss) Dec 1, 2023
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Tweet by @_Rakuji
Tweet by @_Rakuji
gave her a hoodie https://t.co/NUmWPL3age — 「樂」 (@_Rakuji) Nov 30, 2023
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Tweet by @_Rakuji
Tweet by @_Rakuji
cocoooo https://t.co/6fQgn5Vd55 — 「樂」 (@_Rakuji) Nov 30, 2023
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Tweet by @joshpuckett
Tweet by @joshpuckett
Is there a better feeling than someone bringing you a coffee when you weren't expecting it? — joshpuckett (@joshpuckett) Nov 30, 2023
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Tweet by @nikitabier
Tweet by @nikitabier
The greatest lie told to the public is that people make apps to sell data. Data has no value—you can buy a complete data set on the entire US population for under $10,000. In reality, we actually do it to sell engagement. Attention is more valuable than a spreadsheet. And you… https://t.co/pjw8tKzOuo — Nikita Bier (@nikitabier) Nov 29, 2023
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Tweet by @kvlly
Tweet by @kvlly
You ever have one of those days where everything feels like it's blowing up at the same time and you somehow need to turn yourself into 4 engineers in a trench coat to fix everything? — Kelly Vaughn (@kvlly) Nov 29, 2023
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Tweet by @csswizardry
Tweet by @csswizardry
Still obsessed with caching… https://t.co/Wn8SBnwunj — Harry Roberts (@csswizardry) Nov 29, 2023
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Tweet by @jaredpalmer
Tweet by @jaredpalmer
We’ve gone multimodal with @v0. You can now upload images, screenshots, mockups, wireframes, or sketches and generate copy-friendly React + Shadcn UI code https://t.co/vhdJXSApNg — Jared Palmer (@jaredpalmer) Nov 28, 2023
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Tweet by @izs
Tweet by @izs
Uncle Bob's "Clean Code" is the Strunk & White "Elements of Style" of software dev. The less you understand the craft, the more helpful it seems. Once you understand the principles of the craft, you can clearly see it is toxic brain poison that can take decades to unlearn. — isaacs (@izs) Nov 28, 2023
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Tweet by @benawad
Tweet by @benawad
darn, looks like I’m destined for jail https://t.co/r8S7GB1st0 — Ben Awad (@benawad) Nov 28, 2023
Tweet by @benawad