Pumpkin Spice and everything nice keto latte! 1/2 cup almond coconut milk, 1tbsp MCT oil, 2tbsp pumpkin purée, sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice, 2 cups of coffee and 2 stevia packets blended together ☺️
How do we incentivise people to be healthier? A new study with more than 400,000 people in the UK, USA and South Africa on rewards schemes suggests that the fear of losing something is a better incentive than the prospect of gaining a benefit.
The Unsatisfying Truth About Hateful Online Rhetoric And Violence. Two angry men submerged themselves in the far-right internet. One committed murder. The other walked away. Why?
Researchers say they’ve identified two brain networks – one responsible for volition, the other for agency – that together underlie our sense of free will
Losing just a couple hours of sleep at night makes you angrier, especially in frustrating situations. The study is one of the first to provide evidence that sleep loss causes anger.
Right to end life on Earth: Can corporations that spread climate change denialism be held liable? If a corporation’s propaganda destroys the world, doesn’t that conflict with our right to live?
The hippocampus underlies the association between self-esteem and physical health - 'As expected, we found that individuals with higher levels of self-esteem had better self-reported physical health. Importantly...the gray matter volume of the hippocampus mediated the link...
The newly-reopened madrasa in Salé, Morocco. Built in the 12th century this madrasa is one of the finest examples of Moorish architecture in Morocco yet sees almost no tourists
“Imagine if #CRISPR babies were the norm. Then some researcher encourages a couple to practise unlicensed genetic experimentation, aka sexual reproduction. Outrage would follow. Nature did not 'design' us to be happy. Only genetic remediation can solve the problem of suffering.” — David Pearce
The belief that everything is part of some fundamental entity, substance, or process found to be predictive of treating others as members of one's own group.