

Pip liked a post by Mark
Pip liked a post by Mark
We’re consolidating our design system Figma libraries into one master library at Grammarly. I’m considering documenting the process here and then translating it into a blog post. Would anyone be interested in following along?
Pip liked a post by Mark
Pip liked a post by Dave
Pip liked a post by Dave
New addition to my #WebComponents collection: <bluesky-replies> A very simple component to render post replies on any web page. Could be used for blog comments, also works with my <bluesky-post> component
Pip liked a post by Dave
Pip liked a post by Jacob Geller
Pip liked a post by Jacob Geller
Saw a Cowboy Bebop concert tonight and it was a 15-piece band but in the middle of the show they let the sax player solo for like 12 minutes and it was the sickest thing I've ever seen
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Pip liked a post by Chris Coyier
Pip liked a post by Chris Coyier
2024 CSS Unwrapped most used: color most misspelled: appearence most just pray it works: word-break most warm vibes: @container get out of jail free: subgrid easiest to forget to use: inset low key gold: min() lusting after: random()
Pip liked a post by Chris Coyier
Pip liked a post by Luke
Pip liked a post by Luke
Getting severe alerts on your phone isn't fun. Had 2 so far just far enough apart that it caught me off guard both times.
Pip liked a post by Luke
Pip liked a post by Kent C. Dodds
Pip liked a post by Kent C. Dodds
The Epic Programming Principles: the guide I use to make decisions as a software engineer. Transcending specific tools or frameworks, these principles will help you guide your career, craft, and technical choices. See details and examples for each principle here: www.epicweb.dev/principles 📖
Pip liked a post by Kent C. Dodds
Pip liked a post by Hiroko Nishimura
Pip liked a post by Hiroko Nishimura
I tried the asparagus juice! It was really interesting. It’s like, refreshing, refreshing, refreshing, refr—— oh god asparagus!!!!!! I’ve never been punched in the face by an asparagus, but I’d imagine this is how it must feel.
Pip liked a post by Hiroko Nishimura
Pip liked a post by Marie Le Conte
Pip liked a post by Marie Le Conte
was about to tell a woman in the street that I loved her jumper but then she turned around and looked at me before I'd managed to phrase the compliment in my head so I just went "huh!" at her then kept walking, another great social interaction for Marie Le Conte
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Pip liked a post by Calum Ryan
Pip liked a post by Calum Ryan
First public launch of something I contributed to in my new gig at GDS www.gov.uk/missions #accessibility
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Pip liked a post by Chris Oliver
Pip liked a post by Chris Oliver
I've been working on the new Rails Getting Started guide and it's now ready for review! 🎉 github.com/rails/rails/...
Pip liked a post by Chris Oliver
Pip liked a post by Kevin Cunningham
Pip liked a post by Kevin Cunningham
Here’s an article from @benapatton.bsky.social as he explores the value of Local First in enterprise situations. localfirstacademy.com/essays/local...
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Pip liked a post by Simon Wilson
Pip liked a post by Simon Wilson
Lamenting how things were compared to now is a useful reflection, sure. But draw the line and look forwards at some point. 🙇‍♂️
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Pip liked a post by 樂
Pip liked a post by 樂
spacechanger turns this to a wireless monitor for my pc and oh my god this is actually a gamechanger
Pip liked a post by 樂
Pip liked a post by David Thompson
Pip liked a post by David Thompson
It is not intentional but I can say "the dreams of the 90s are alive" about so many things at Spritely lol
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Pip liked a post by Crystal Lee
Pip liked a post by Crystal Lee
this photo has so many of the best STS faves, I feel like this is a syllabus in and of itself
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Pip liked a post by Haz
Pip liked a post by Haz
JavaScript tip: You can name your capture groups in regular expressions for better readability. Syntax: (?<name>x)
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