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Pip liked a post by Bryan Walsh
Pip liked a post by Bryan Walsh
Delicious forbidden caffeine. After all, why shouldn't I have it? It's mine to keep, not to sleep. *ominous low growling noises emanate from the kettle*
Pip liked a post by Bryan Walsh
Pip liked a post by Slime
Pip liked a post by Slime
I let the parasites in my brain talk me into making a cup of coffee at midnight.
Pip liked a post by Slime
Pip liked a post by salma
Pip liked a post by salma
me: I'm totally gonna nail setting up a new ssh key, last time I did it on the first try me: it's going so well me: YES let's go me: git clone repo computer: No DeVeLoPeR tOoLs WeRe FoUnD DOWNLOAD XCODE HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
Pip liked a post by salma
Pip liked a post by Connie Chen
Pip liked a post by Connie Chen
Just realized today is my 1 month at my new job. It’s the first time ever where everything feels right. From the support to kindness, I am very lucky.💛✨
Pip liked a post by Connie Chen
Pip liked a post by Sunil Pai
Pip liked a post by Sunil Pai
🎈 partyvite ⚡️ --- a fullstack template for 🎈 partykit ⨉ ⚡️ vite ⨉ ⚛️ react ⨉ 🌊 tailwindcss ⨉ ⛅️ durable objects npm create cloudflare@latest -- --template threepointone/partyvite hmr, vite plugins, websockets, whatever. start here. lots more in the very near future, lfg.
Pip liked a post by Sunil Pai