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Pip liked a post by Catalin Pit
Pip liked a post by Catalin Pit
BlueSky is what Threads or Mastodon I thought it’d be. I don’t know and don’t care if it’s going mainstream, but it’s already the main place for developers and builders. That’s enough for me.
Pip liked a post by Catalin Pit
Pip liked a post by Salma
Pip liked a post by Salma
Ok, so some people don't have avatars and that is making the code fail. Good thing is, as this is a progressive enhancement, it doesn't break the page, and the component removes itself. Working on a fix now, and will update the blog post.
Pip liked a post by Salma
Pip liked a post by Paul Boag
Pip liked a post by Paul Boag
You know how some coders steam their coding live on Twitch do you reckon that would work for designing? I am toying with the idea of giving it a go next time I work on a landing page. A kind of “watch in the background” kind of thing.
Pip liked a post by Paul Boag
Pip liked a post by Tanner Linsley
Pip liked a post by Tanner Linsley
Precisely. `use server` is coarse, rigid, and open to interpretation based on your compiler. Try adding client/server validation, context, modifying headers, method, etc... ☠️☠️☠️ No thanks. `createServerFn` is type-safe, explicit, and offers WAY more fluid customization when required
Pip liked a post by Tanner Linsley
Pip liked a post by Todd
Pip liked a post by Todd
Still working on this and I LOVE what did here. I can't figure out though how to get the postId working so it reads here from my site so likes from here will be displayed. 😭 Going to keep going for another hour or so, hopefully to figure it out.
Pip liked a post by Todd
Pip liked a post by Kelly Shortridge
Pip liked a post by Kelly Shortridge
them: what does this security vendor mean by “codebashing”? me: probably an LLM for security teams to automatically tell devs that their code sucks
Pip liked a post by Kelly Shortridge
Pip liked a post by Paul Boag
Pip liked a post by Paul Boag
Got to say I am loving Bluesky. A simple, clean interface and feels like Twitter used to feel at its best. Of course, they have yet to monetise it, but for now, I can see myself using it a lot.
Pip liked a post by Paul Boag
Pip liked a post by dan
Pip liked a post by dan
honestly sometimes having something implemented in a competing client is the best motivation to clean up tech debt that’s stopping from adding it to the official one
Pip liked a post by dan
Pip liked a post by Julia Evans
Pip liked a post by Julia Evans
i guess i've spent enough of my life being paid to be on call and it was okay but I've had enough of that, I really try to keep the number of servers in my life that could unexpectedly break and interrupt my day pretty low
Pip liked a post by Julia Evans
Pip liked a post by Bryan Smith
Pip liked a post by Bryan Smith
100% this. I miss RSS readers for this. But now it seems some sites don’t keep an RSS feed.
Pip liked a post by Bryan Smith
Pip liked a post by Josh Collinsworth
Pip liked a post by Josh Collinsworth
My house is such an echo chamber. Every single person here loves and respects each other. Thinking about bringing in a couple of abusive asshole roommates just for a more balanced perspective.
Pip liked a post by Josh Collinsworth
Pip liked a post by Lisa Angela
Pip liked a post by Lisa Angela
I was a very early user here in 2023. I left because I saw so many trying to recreate the same "followers as currency" model from the other platforms by doing the thought leader-y thing that makes LinkedIn so tedious for me. I'm liberally muting this time to avoid it. I just want real, human chat.
Pip liked a post by Lisa Angela
Pip liked a post by nate parrott
Pip liked a post by nate parrott
I bet you could use Bluesky or mastodon as the backend for comments… commenting on a story posts it to your timeline, and posts + replies mentioning a story are shown alongside it Hmm…
Pip liked a post by nate parrott
Pip liked a post by Kent C. Dodds
Pip liked a post by Kent C. Dodds
I really don't mind if a conference talk is about the product they work on. But I want it to be about challenges overcoming in making the product by an engineer who works on it instead of a sales pitch by a devrel. Keep that in mind when submitting to #EpicWebConf 🚀
Pip liked a post by Kent C. Dodds
Pip liked a post by daniel roe
Pip liked a post by daniel roe
if you have a profile, can i ask you to update it with your handle? 🙏 👉 it enables some very cool integrations, like auto curated feeds and starter packs for contributors and tech
Pip liked a post by daniel roe
Pip liked a post by Julia Evans
Pip liked a post by Julia Evans
a few replies saying “the real problem is that blogs died“, I always forget that blogs died because I read a lot of tech blogs where RSS is still alive and well, and personally I STARTED blogging seriously in 2013, right after google reader died I think this is a tech thing though.
Pip liked a post by Julia Evans
Pip liked a post by mandy brown
Pip liked a post by mandy brown
Too much I could say about this very excellent piece from Erin, but I will start with noting that one way to shape the future of the web is to pay closer attention to the stories we use to talk about it:
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Pip liked a post by Robb Owen
Pip liked a post by Robb Owen
If you're not accessing the internet through a personal Doob server with a secure DTF terminal that's piped through SkunkBox and JugularPunch, then quite frankly you're doing it wrong and you should feel bad about yourself
Pip liked a post by Robb Owen
Pip liked a post by Paul Boag
Pip liked a post by Paul Boag
A bit late to the BlueSky bandwagon, but I will start to post here from now on. Got to say I am impressed by the 90 people who are already following me even before I have posted anything 😛
Pip liked a post by Paul Boag
Pip liked a post by Rob Hogan
Pip liked a post by Rob Hogan
That’s basically how I was taught it. It’s the empty product. Multiplying no things gets you the multiplicative identity, same as summing no things = additive identity.
Pip liked a post by Rob Hogan
Pip liked a post by Alvish
Pip liked a post by Alvish
✨ Exactly a year ago, I redesigned Clerk Components: Core 2 and introduced a trendy UI pattern that I’m incredibly proud of. This pattern shaped the product and became a core part of its identity. It was my first big project after joining Clerk, and I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out.
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