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Pip liked a post by Sam Ruby
Pip liked a post by Sam Ruby
Thanks go out to David Heinemeier Hansson for both his forward his review and 18 specific, actionable pieces of feedback that will make Agile Web Development with Rails 8 better!
Pip liked a post by Sam Ruby
Pip liked a post by Saelindwyn
Pip liked a post by Saelindwyn
Blocking all ads everywhere about “fixing” my aging skin, i am so over this constant barrage of YOURE OLD YOURE OLD YOURE OLD AND EVERYBODY CAN TELL!
Pip liked a post by Saelindwyn
Pip liked a post by Rachel Andrew
Pip liked a post by Rachel Andrew
Worked from the amazing Google Spruce Goose building today. it really is a stunning place, maintaining the feeling of the old hanger.
Pip liked a post by Rachel Andrew
Pip liked a post by Emily
Pip liked a post by Emily
this is one of my favorite custom feeds, Quiet Posters it shows you posts from people you follow who don't post that much! so it surfaces friends' posts that might otherwise get drowned out in the Following feed (which is reverse chronological) 🤗
Pip liked a post by Emily
Pip liked a post by Ruyinnu
Pip liked a post by Ruyinnu
I just want to say to everyone here, Thank you. Sometimes I never realized how loved I am, even from people who I never talk to for awhile, who supports me here quietly. I am always growing so I appreciate you being here. I love what I do now truly. Have a lovely weekend and rest well xx
Pip liked a post by Ruyinnu
Pip liked a post by Manda Farough
Pip liked a post by Manda Farough
So I’m about 15 hours into Cyberpunk 2077 (video game, not the TTRPG) and I am so incredibly hooked. I’m glad I waited to play it, since I know there have been so many fixes since launch. Judy Alvarez is my girl. I adore her character so, so much.
Pip liked a post by Manda Farough
Pip liked a post by Wes Bos
Pip liked a post by Wes Bos
I think I went a little overboard on starter packs and followed too many people. My litmus test is if at least half of their most recent 10 tweets aren’t about programming, or are primarily negative in nature, I unfollow Still, the starter packs were worth it to find everyone again
Pip liked a post by Wes Bos
Pip liked a post by Mark Dalgleish
Pip liked a post by Mark Dalgleish
React Router v7 is here! With framework mode, everything that made Remix great is now built into React Router.
Pip liked a post by Mark Dalgleish
Pip liked a post by Will Boyd
Pip liked a post by Will Boyd
This leans more towards the design side, but the Affinity suite is half off:
Pip liked a post by Will Boyd
Pip liked a post by Tomasz Onyszko
Pip liked a post by Tomasz Onyszko
There are constant things in your life … like the urge to make and throw snowball on the first snow day 😂
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Pip liked a post by Matt
Pip liked a post by Matt
Gideon's shit eating grin as she puts on the aviators for the first time - I have an extraordinarily vivid image of that scene in my mind's eye, it's so much fun!
Pip liked a post by Matt
Pip liked a post by Simon Vrachliotis
Pip liked a post by Simon Vrachliotis
Upgraded to Tailwind CSS v4.0 beta over lunch, while eating a sandwich. Finished the migration before I finished my sandwich 🤣 `npx @tailwindcss/upgrade@next`
Pip liked a post by Simon Vrachliotis
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I don't want less recommended content from accounts I don't follow, I want none
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Pip liked a post by Chris Johnson
Pip liked a post by Chris Johnson
I did a talk with a bunch of these! For me one of the most underused features has to be local overrides.
Pip liked a post by Chris Johnson
Pip liked a post by Wes Bos
Pip liked a post by Wes Bos
Whenever I show dev tools tricks in a video, I get lots of "I had no idea that was a thing!" What are your favourite or most under-utilized dev tools tips? There are so many nuggets in there, I'm sure I'm even missing some
Pip liked a post by Wes Bos
Pip liked a post by Jhey ʕᴥʔ
Pip liked a post by Jhey ʕᴥʔ
Putting CSS Anchor Positioning to the test by throwing dropdown menus around 💪 [popover].dropdown { top: anchor(bottom); right: anchor(right); position-try-fallbacks: flip-block,flip-inline; } That's it 👆 Keeps the menu tethered to the button (may as well bring over some hits from the other place)
Pip liked a post by Jhey ʕᴥʔ
Pip liked a post by winston the third
Pip liked a post by winston the third
i finished rereading Gideon the Ninth yesterday and there are so many good lines in that book. Such a fun read and exactly what i needed in these interesting times.
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Pip liked a post by John Collins
Pip liked a post by John Collins
Did you know that by substituting your morning coffee with green tea, you can eliminate up to 93% of what little joy you have left?
Pip liked a post by John Collins
Pip liked a post by Stacey Mason
Pip liked a post by Stacey Mason
Heard the term “anti-jaded” today and I can’t stop thinking about it. Maybe it’s time to revisit hopepunk. 🤔
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Pip liked a post by Jaana Dogan
Pip liked a post by Jaana Dogan
I don’t know if anyone needs to hear this but waking up in the morning and being truly energized by your work is one of the rarest privileges in life. No money or status could buy it. If you ever end up being there, stick to what makes it possible when you can.
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Pip liked a post by Jhey ʕᴥʔ
Pip liked a post by Jhey ʕᴥʔ
CTA to Nav 🗺️ taking the CSS container query for stuck position: sticky elements for a spin 🔥 nav { container-type: scroll-state; } @​container scroll-state(stuck: top) { .nav__content { --expand: 1; } } trick here is to transition grid-template-columns with the custom property value to morph
Pip liked a post by Jhey ʕᴥʔ
Pip liked a post by Ryan Miyoshi
Pip liked a post by Ryan Miyoshi
Can’t post current design work for a bit, so here’s some pictures I took on a farm in Scotland a couple months ago
Pip liked a post by Ryan Miyoshi