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Pip liked a post by Bramus
Pip liked a post by Bramus
As of Chrome 131 you have more options to style `<details>` and `<summary>`. You can now use of the `display` property on these elements, and also use a `::details-content` pseudo-element to style the part that expands and collapses.
Pip liked a post by Bramus
Pip liked a post by Jason Lengstorf
Pip liked a post by Jason Lengstorf
y'all, Alex is cooking lately. this is only the *latest* cool thing he's shipped — he's building some really incredible stuff if you scroll through his timeline
Pip liked a post by Jason Lengstorf
Pip liked a post by Alex Trost
Pip liked a post by Alex Trost
Here's a fun section from my upcoming Prismic course. The scribble pulls its color from the board image programmatically. Prismic's image CDN has a palette feature that we tap into. We're also using some good ol' SVG filters and offset paths for the drawn effect. 🛹
Pip liked a post by Alex Trost
Pip liked a post by Heather Buchel
Pip liked a post by Heather Buchel
If you, like me, went into adulthood never really understanding how to decorate your space or how to make it look nice and homey, the answer is lamps. Use lamps. Turn off the ceiling lights.
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Pip liked a post by Peter Lewis
Pip liked a post by Peter Lewis
oh no i'm redesigning my website again (again[again{again}]) how we feeling about the typography #designsky? (special thanks to Pangram Pangram, one of my favorite foundries)
Pip liked a post by Peter Lewis
Pip liked a post by Sarah Drasner
Pip liked a post by Sarah Drasner
A friend was talking about side projects and said “if I don’t do them and only work, I feel sad and cranky” I’m the same. My job is challenging and demanding, and I love it. X was draining. I used to make many projects but lately didn’t have the energy. This place makes me feel creative again ✨
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Pip liked a post by mary
Pip liked a post by mary
part of the goal with atcute is to make atproto less daunting, i've tried making it as simple as possible that simplicity means that it's heavily catered to my needs. there is nothing stopping you from forking and making it work for you, if anything, i recommend it
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Pip liked a post by Robb Owen
Pip liked a post by Robb Owen
Loving that there seems to be more design folks and esoteric old-hardware/logo archive/photography type accounts cropping up here lately. The devsky community is great but I've missed some of the more eclectic stuff I followed on twitter
Pip liked a post by Robb Owen
Pip liked a post by Mark Zeman
Pip liked a post by Mark Zeman
CWV would be great as iOS is a huge blindspot for a lot of people and is a significant amount of traffic. Even better would be element/container timing. Apple values great user experience yet there’s very little in WebKit to help us measure the performance of what user actually see.
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Pip liked a post by Grant Stoner
Pip liked a post by Grant Stoner
Of all time? Pokémon Silver. Recently? Space Marine 2. Pokémon is the one franchise that is so calming to me. I would play them for hours as a young kid in the hospital. Recently, SM2 scratches that 360 era of third person shooters that I've been so desperately missing.
Pip liked a post by Grant Stoner
Pip liked a post by Chris Riccomini
Pip liked a post by Chris Riccomini
This does make me wonder: are we on the cusp of many, many IVM implementations? If so, gives me strong vector search vibes. Useful, but, "is this a feature or a product," uneasiness.
Pip liked a post by Chris Riccomini
Pip liked a post by Phil Nelson
Pip liked a post by Phil Nelson
An example of how a React component works under the hood. Code from's Playful Programming book. Video created by me in Apple Keynote.
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Pip liked a post by Pavel
Pip liked a post by Pavel
Heck yeah we A/B test all our designs: 𝗔sk stakeholders which idea they like 𝗕uild that one
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Pip liked a post by Max Böck
Pip liked a post by Max Böck
Hi new web dev followers! Here's the best tweet I've managed in 12 years, just so you know where the ceiling is on this account
Pip liked a post by Max Böck
Pip liked a post by Josh W. Comeau
Pip liked a post by Josh W. Comeau
ICYMI: Framer Motion is now an independent thing, no longer owned by Framer! It’s called “Motion” now. And I’m one of its sponsors! Very pleased that Matt thought my course was worth showcasing. 😄
Pip liked a post by Josh W. Comeau
Pip liked a post by Marisa
Pip liked a post by Marisa
We’ve been watching Arcane and the animation, the exposition, and the visual storytelling is phenomenal. I can’t tear my eyes from the screen and then I actually go to bed and dream about it. Anyway, those artists and writers are amazing!
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Pip liked a post by Guy Dupont
Pip liked a post by Guy Dupont
I've got a piece in the latest issue of Paged Out! about a QR code file sharing trick I discovered earlier this year! This zine is insanely cool if you haven't checked it out yet - short but meaty technical articles by very smart people with some art sprinkled in as well.
Pip liked a post by Guy Dupont
Pip liked a post by Thomas Rid
Pip liked a post by Thomas Rid
Watching social media history unfold these days is fascinating. You can observe in real time how the character and the feel of different platforms is changing, as millions of people shop around and move, in or out. This entire space hasn't been this dynamic and energized in well more than a decade.
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Pip liked a post by Dominik
Pip liked a post by Dominik
📢 After more than 11 years of working at Adverity in various positions, I’ve decided to look for new challenges in 2025. 🚀 I'm excited to share that starting in January, I'll be joining the Frontend Platform Team at
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Pip liked a post by Karlijn Löwik
Pip liked a post by Karlijn Löwik thanks for the aftervideo. Our 3 year old has already watched it 100 times, proud to see her mama and papa😀
Pip liked a post by Karlijn Löwik
Pip liked a post by Kevin Cunningham
Pip liked a post by Kevin Cunningham - what was the VSCode extension for quick movement you mentioned in your stream? You were complaining it wasn't in your new editor? I've found jumpy which seems similar but I feel like your one had a different name.
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Pip liked a post by Sheera Frenkel
Pip liked a post by Sheera Frenkel
No, YOU have developed an obsessive pottery habit and now feel a need to make garlic plates for everyone you know.
Pip liked a post by Sheera Frenkel