Someone built this to try and tackle the problem of them not being listed here (sorry for forgetting who you are if you see this 😅)
Distributed Async Await, a new programming model for the cloud My P99CONF presentation is online. Thank you to the ScyllaDB team for a great conference experience ♥️
All spots for next week’s meetup are taken. The waiting list is slowly building. Some spots might come up. The posters are printed, up on the walls and framed. We’ll record the talks and share them on YouTube afterwards. I’m excited to see our speakers sharing how they are ‘filling the gaps’.
My position is that every activity before shipping is about refining a behavioral hypothesis that drives value at scale. In this way, Design is already at the proverbial table. This is not theoretical. This is what I’ve practiced.
I'm very happy to finally share my talk from Digital Dragons 2024! It's called "10 Years in UI/UX: Lessons, Insights and Mistakes" and it's a continuation of a series, covering my decade+ in the gaming industry and what kind of philosophy was formed during this time.
This is the best way to get started on 🦋 if you are a web dev! Awesome starter pack Thanks for sharing! [contains quote post or other embedded content]