Found 6075 bookmarks
Nick Williams (
Nick Williams (
[applying for a role as JS developer] so we have a take home test for you. No it's not JavaScript. It's php
Nick Williams (
Salma (
Salma (
UPDATE: Richard is a billion times better. He’s totally back to himself again. He’s been cleared to drive and is cleared to go back to work on Monday. He has just declared independence by going out ON HIS OWN TO THE SUPERMARKET. [contains quote post or other embedded content]
Salma (
Ahmad Shadeed (
Ahmad Shadeed (
I’m really enjoying the vibe here on BlueSky! It feels like a true community again 🤩 — I’ve missed this over the past few years with Twitter.
Ahmad Shadeed (
Simon Holmes (
Simon Holmes (
It's really nice to see new faces on this app. Lots of people to hang out with and converse with. It feels fresh! 🦋👋🏻
Simon Holmes (
Josh W. Comeau (
Josh W. Comeau (
This is one of those things where rather than memorize a bunch of rules, I think it’s much easier to use our intuition. We should ask ourselves this question: > If this image failed to load, what would I NEED to know in order to understand this content / engage with this application?
Josh W. Comeau (
Jacob Herrington (
Jacob Herrington (
Bsky intro time: I’m a mostly-self-taught dev. For years, I worked as a senior engineer in the startup world. Now, I’m building my own startup applying LLMs to a “boring” space broken by compliance and organizational knowledge loss. I love food, shitposting, and tattoos.
Jacob Herrington (
Kevin Collier (
Kevin Collier (
What's really scary is Cybersecurity Awareness Month ends today and I feel like a lot of you only became partially Aware Of Cybersecurity.
Kevin Collier (
Sam Rose (
Sam Rose (
Hey, I’m Sam 👋 I create visual and interactive guides to programming concepts. Here’s some of my work: - - - I also gave a talk about my work that you can watch here:
Sam Rose (
Sam Rose (
Sam Rose (
Firm belief that one of the highest ROI hills to die on is insisting it be as easy as possible to run your product locally. If you succeed in keeping it to a build command followed by a run command and nothing else, you’ll be delivering 4-5 figures of value per engineer per year.
Sam Rose (
Pavel (
Pavel (
UX fact #18: All enterprise software competes with Excel. All productivity software competes with emailing things to yourself.
Pavel (
Cake Content (
Cake Content (
My #UCD and #ContentDesign courses are taken by #gov, #LocalGov, #charities, and #private companies worldwide. 🌍 Online, self-paced, mobile-friendly, affordable. Individual or bulk buy. Certificate for 70%+ test score. #UserResearch #ProductDesign #ServiceDesign #DigitalTransformation #Training
Cake Content (
Ryan the Design Lion (
Ryan the Design Lion (
Hahahaha, as a designer who codes, you lost me with this one. I’m not in a place to say how all designers should work, but for me and my design team, being close to the code is vital. Code is the raw material of the things product designers are designing. An architect should know about concrete.
Ryan the Design Lion (
Pavel (
Pavel (
For every like I will post 1 UX fact (I'm not doing a meme image for this, UX fact #0 is that content is more important than visuals)
Pavel (
Marisa (
Marisa (
I'm determined to write 1600 words every day in November. Most years I try and fall off after a week or so, but I REALLY want to prove to myself that I can do it. I've had a story burning in my brain for about 4 years now and just want to get it down on paper and organized into something real!
Marisa (
Sara Joy ☠️ (
Sara Joy ☠️ (
Convinced my fellow front-end colleague in the new project we're setting up, that we can have a headless UI library, and an accessible one at that. Whoopeeeeee, FINALLY I am spending work hours writing CSS!!! ✨🤩🎉 Have chosen to use Adobe React Aria Components for the gnarlier UI challenges. Happy!
Sara Joy ☠️ (
Nicholas C. Zakas (
Nicholas C. Zakas (
I’m still waiting for the Blue Sky iOS app to remember the last post I read so I can scroll up for new content. Always showing the most recent post means I have to scroll down and I have no idea how many new posts there are. I actually submitted this feedback formally a while ago. Alas.
Nicholas C. Zakas (
Ray Newman (
Ray Newman (
I guess I'm saying, make the thing because you want to make the thing, and be prepared for a total non-response. Then pick yourself up and move onto the next project. Maybe that will be the one that sets the world alight.
Ray Newman (
ceej (
ceej (
GENIE: So, and I really never do this, but I just want to clarify: you want to use your three wishes to make sure you never have to wash a colander, cheese grater, or a whisk for the rest of your life. ME: That’s correct.
ceej (
Celeste Horgan (
Celeste Horgan (
The real social divide between Gen z and millennials is that Gen z is always wearing a cute fit to the concert and millennials are wearing the rattiest black t-shirt and jeans they can find
Celeste Horgan (