Found 6079 bookmarks
SimonDev (
SimonDev (
Wrapped up the latest section in my new course. Intro to physics section came in over 2 hrs, but there's so many details to cover! In later sections, we'll build a fully physics driven character controller, completely from scratch. 👉 #threejs #webgl
SimonDev (
Chris Albon (
Chris Albon (
I have two little kids, and one of the best things I’ve done for them this year is hosting taste tests. Anytime I’m at a store or market and see different varieties of something affordable, like apples Ill buy one of each. Then, when I get home, the whole family joins in a big, elaborate taste test
Chris Albon (
Elkjaer (
Elkjaer (
Cant wait to get my hands on a PS5 Pro. Hearing many great things about it already. Money is a little tight at the moment with a lot of birthdays and Christmas coming up so will try and get one in January/February.
Elkjaer (
Cake Content (
Cake Content (
If you’re in London, there’s a lot of art to see this winter! 🎨👏
Cake Content (
patak (
patak (
Who else is tinkering with the bluesky app to improve it? (non-bluesky employees) [contains quote post or other embedded content]
patak (
Phil Hawksworth (
Phil Hawksworth (
“Fix My Code was confident, but incorrect…” #FFConf Sounds like the guy who shows up in my twiiter mentions
Phil Hawksworth (
dan (
dan (
my main “bluesky tip” is simply — like and follow posts and people you enjoy seeing in your feed, and “show less” what you don’t enjoy. “training” Discover algorithm takes annoyingly long for now — but it does get more specific with time, and the team will be making it more responsive. data helps.
dan (
Large Heydon Collider (
Large Heydon Collider (
đź“ť Testing HTML With Modern CSS (With modern CSS selectors, you can do almost all your accessibility and best practice testing in CSS itself.)
Large Heydon Collider (
Jake Archibald (
Jake Archibald (
I've seen too many talks about AI that are gushing praise, or doom and gloom. gave an amazing balanced talk on the practical uses, and pitfalls of AI and accessibility. #ffconf
Jake Archibald (
Marisa (
Marisa (
I love learning color theory and this talk by at #BTConf did not disappoint. I learned about how color is represented and different color spaces and so much more that I want to dig into!
Marisa (
Jhey ʕ·ᴥ· ʔ (
Jhey ʕ·ᴥ· ʔ (
it's 2024 and we're still educating people on the ethics of reusing other people's work thought we were meant to have flying cars by now
Jhey ʕ·ᴥ· ʔ (
Nate Moore (
Nate Moore (
Tips for tricking people into thinking you are a great cook: Double the butter Double the salt Use chicken broth instead of water
Nate Moore (
luna (
luna (
i’m seeing this a lot on here. 💖 [contains quote post or other embedded content]
luna (
Taz Singh (
Taz Singh (
Sorry folks I was unaware of this rule. Here is cat, pls forgiv [contains quote post or other embedded content]
Taz Singh (
Rhys Wynne (
Rhys Wynne (
I've just published a new blog post: In which I share that I've completed another of my "50 before I'm 50", and may have accidentally found a new hobby. I've released a video game. #gamedev #development #godot
Rhys Wynne (
Addy Osmani (
Addy Osmani (
The best software is built by engineers who have empathy for their users. They're fully dialed into their needs.
Addy Osmani (
joel 🌦️ (
joel 🌦️ (
more pictures of comet in various bowls and baskets over the years [contains quote post or other embedded content]
joel 🌦️ (
Marisa (
Marisa (
Great talks yesterday at #btconf and I loved this bit of philosophy from
Marisa (