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Researchers have made a significant step forward in personalized nutrition by creating the first detailed map that shows how molecules in specific foods interact with our unique gut bacteria paving the way for evidence-based dietary recommendations tailored to individual gut health needs
Researchers have made a significant step forward in personalized nutrition by creating the first detailed map that shows how molecules in specific foods interact with our unique gut bacteria paving the way for evidence-based dietary recommendations tailored to individual gut health needs
Researchers have made a significant step forward in personalized nutrition by creating the first detailed map that shows how molecules in specific foods interact with our unique gut bacteria paving the way for evidence-based dietary recommendations tailored to individual gut health needs
Tweet by @Mappletons
Tweet by @Mappletons
9am me: Time to sit down and work through that 2 hour vector DB tutorial 5 mins later me: Wow my terminal just isn’t aesthetically pleasing enough for this. Must spend the next hour installing Hyper, Oh My Zsh, Spaceship, picking themes, browsing fonts, and installing plugins… — Maggie Appleton (@Mappletons) Oct 4, 2024
Tweet by @Mappletons
Tweet by @kelseyhightower
Tweet by @kelseyhightower
At this point I'm willing to pay more money for appliances with zero smart features and physical controls for everything. — Kelsey Hightower (@kelseyhightower) Sep 21, 2024
Tweet by @kelseyhightower
Tweet by @molly0xFFF
Tweet by @molly0xFFF
new lino print — Molly White (@molly0xFFF) Sep 17, 2024
Tweet by @molly0xFFF
Tweet by @adamwathan
Tweet by @adamwathan
If React had no state, effects, or event handling and was purely static, it would still be my favorite templating language of all time. — Adam Wathan (@adamwathan) Sep 14, 2024
Tweet by @adamwathan
Tweet by @JohnPhamous
Tweet by @JohnPhamous
text responds to background colors - text mask, text-shadow, and backdrop filter code below — JohnPhamous (@JohnPhamous) Sep 12, 2024
Tweet by @JohnPhamous
Tweet by @IanColdwater
Tweet by @IanColdwater
@TheJackForge Honestly mentoring new folks is awesome. They teach you stuff too! They see things with fresh eyes and fresh perspectives! They ask good questions! They’re excited about things and not jaded yet! Without that you get grumpy and stagnant and that’s bad, actually — Ian Coldwater 📦💥 (@IanColdwater) Sep 12, 2024
Tweet by @IanColdwater
Tweet by @cameronmoll
Tweet by @cameronmoll
Telling designers they shouldn't design hi-fi early in the process is like telling an artist they can't start with paint, only pencil. Some designers think best in hi-fi. I'm constantly amazed at how others feel justified in telling them to avoid this too early in the process. — Cameron Moll (@cameronmoll) Sep 12, 2024
Tweet by @cameronmoll
Tweet by @_Rakuji
Tweet by @_Rakuji
filling my monthly quota — 「樂」 (@_Rakuji) Sep 10, 2024
Tweet by @_Rakuji
Tweet by @phokarlsson
Tweet by @phokarlsson
"People who develop high perceptiveness have typically engaged in some activity that has put them in a tight feedback loop with reality." — Henrik Karlsson (@phokarlsson) Sep 10, 2024
Tweet by @phokarlsson
Tweet by @DasSurma
Tweet by @DasSurma
Still discovering new shell tricks. TIL: Substitutions. `cmd (cat file)` invokes `cmd` with the first parameter being a named pipe (e.g. `/dev/fd/22`) which contains the contents of `file`. Example use-case: You wanna diff two files, but they are binary so need disassembling — Surma (@DasSurma) Sep 7, 2024
Tweet by @DasSurma
Tweet by @leeerob
Tweet by @leeerob
First version of the Next.js PWA docs shipped 🚢 — Lee Robinson (@leeerob) Sep 5, 2024
Tweet by @leeerob