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Pip liked a post by Baldur Bjarnason
Pip liked a post by Baldur Bjarnason
“Technology is never a substitute for consent” > My argument is that consent is always necessary, and technology, no matter how (allegedly) good, is never a substitute for consent, because user privacy entails user ownership of their data
Pip liked a post by Baldur Bjarnason
Pip liked a post by Jonnie Hallman
Pip liked a post by Jonnie Hallman
On one hand, I’m like, design is everything. On the other hand, I’m like, what if we don’t use any CSS.
Pip liked a post by Jonnie Hallman
Pip liked a post by Robb Owen
Pip liked a post by Robb Owen
"How to write React components like a senior developer" "How to write automated tests like a senior developer" "How to choose a framework like a senior developer" "How to make your audience feel inferior whilst also passing off your opinions as expert advice like a senior developer"
Pip liked a post by Robb Owen
Pip liked a post by luna
Pip liked a post by luna
“Ah,’ said Arthur, who — for reasons which are unlikely to become clear — found himself in attendance at a C++ committee meeting, ‘this is obviously some strange usage of the word safe that I wasn’t previously aware of.”
Pip liked a post by luna
Pip liked a post by Abi Stevens
Pip liked a post by Abi Stevens
Just noticed it's 4am. Somehow I thought a week on other people's schedule would get me to stick to average-human hours in my own for at least a week. Reader it took me like an entire 1 day to slip back into night-owl. 🤦‍♀️ #ADHD #spoonie
Pip liked a post by Abi Stevens
Pip liked a post by A. K. Venrinn
Pip liked a post by A. K. Venrinn
When you just want to be an artist but you have to become a social media manager, video editor, sound designer and an expert on SEO
Pip liked a post by A. K. Venrinn
Pip liked a post by Adam Argyle
Pip liked a post by Adam Argyle
need product differentiation? overhire a #CSS front-end team and ask them to: - polish whatever - add delight wherever and watch as your product becomes smooth and buttery while everyone else's gather dust and crust UI is a huge space offering differentiation via quality
Pip liked a post by Adam Argyle
These four factors predict maladaptive daydreaming in neurodivergent individuals: Emotional dysregulation internalized stigma escapism and self-esteem emerged as significant predictors varying across individuals with autism spectrum disorder ADHD and both diagnoses.
These four factors predict maladaptive daydreaming in neurodivergent individuals: Emotional dysregulation internalized stigma escapism and self-esteem emerged as significant predictors varying across individuals with autism spectrum disorder ADHD and both diagnoses.
These four factors predict maladaptive daydreaming in neurodivergent individuals: Emotional dysregulation internalized stigma escapism and self-esteem emerged as significant predictors varying across individuals with autism spectrum disorder ADHD and both diagnoses.
Pip liked a post by tierney cyren
Pip liked a post by tierney cyren
I always knew the honey browser extension was fucked and weird and now feel very validated in that gut feeling
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Pip liked a post by Andras Bacsai
Pip liked a post by Andras Bacsai
If I can work with a broken keyboard, low battery life, and overheating, you can do it too. I've been creating @coolifyio on this badass machine for years now. 😅
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Pip liked a post by Robb Owen
Pip liked a post by Robb Owen
Occasionally I'll fall into a flowstate and write a load of CSS without saving or checking progress; just describe an entire layout before hitting save. Often it's a mess but those times when you tab into the browser to see the exact design, it feels like you could fight the universe and win
Pip liked a post by Robb Owen
Pip liked a post by Ben McCormick
Pip liked a post by Ben McCormick
I think this is a great sentiment and approach. Definitely feel like it’ll be the differentiator as more design by AI starts ramping up
Pip liked a post by Ben McCormick
Pip liked a post by Catalin Pit
Pip liked a post by Catalin Pit
I’m done trying to un-hobby coding. I’ve been afraid of “not coding too much” and burning out again. But coding is one of the very few hobbies I have. I love what I do. As cheesy as it may sound. So, I’ll lean in and code whenever I have free time. We’ll see where it takes me.
Pip liked a post by Catalin Pit