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Tweet by @_Rakuji
Tweet by @_Rakuji
made it — 「樂」 (@_Rakuji) Jan 6, 2024
Tweet by @_Rakuji
Tweet by @kentcdodds
Tweet by @kentcdodds
YYYY-MM-DD The only reasonable format (and best for sorting). — Kent C. Dodds 🌌 (@kentcdodds) Jan 3, 2024
Tweet by @kentcdodds
Tweet by @_Rakuji
Tweet by @_Rakuji
come on and slam and — 「樂」 (@_Rakuji) Jan 2, 2024
Tweet by @_Rakuji
Tweet by @simonswiss
Tweet by @simonswiss
Happy Holiday wishes fom this noisy but adorable bunch — Simon Vrachliotis 🇨🇭🇦🇺🏀🏄‍♂️🏂💻 (@simonswiss) Dec 25, 2023
Tweet by @simonswiss
Tweet by @jarredsumner
Tweet by @jarredsumner
magic code = magic problems — Jarred Sumner (@jarredsumner) Dec 23, 2023
Tweet by @jarredsumner
Tweet by @_Rakuji
Tweet by @_Rakuji
e l e p h a n t — 「樂」 (@_Rakuji) Dec 23, 2023
Tweet by @_Rakuji
Tweet by @simonswiss
Tweet by @simonswiss
Pretty pumped about this! 💫💫 — Simon Vrachliotis 🇨🇭🇦🇺🏀🏄‍♂️🏂💻 (@simonswiss) Dec 18, 2023
Tweet by @simonswiss
Tweet by @kentcdodds
Tweet by @kentcdodds
I'm stoked to announce that @simonswiss is joining me to teach you full stack web development on Epic Web!! Here's his first bit of much more to come! 🙌 — Kent C. Dodds 🌌 (@kentcdodds) Dec 18, 2023
Tweet by @kentcdodds
The reason why I am independent and advocate a life-long career is because for me, "creating things" is no longer a job. That's why there is no retirement. Creating things is living. One more thing. In the game industry, there are very few people who have succeeded in becoming… — HIDEO_KOJIMA (@HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN) Dec 16, 2023
Tweet by @TaelurAlexis
Tweet by @TaelurAlexis
Yes companies should hire juniors but what’s more essential is creating a proper onboarding and training process for your new hires. Don’t just throw them into the fire and get mad when they can’t perform to your expectations. That’s what I’ve seen a lot from startups — Tae’lur Alexis (@TaelurAlexis) Dec 14, 2023
Tweet by @TaelurAlexis
Tweet by @simonswiss
Tweet by @simonswiss
Loved this moment when @KevinJPowell sees himself on the top of the list of influential people in the CSS world 🤗 Very well deserved — your videos are great! — Simon Vrachliotis 🇨🇭🇦🇺🏀🏄‍♂️🏂💻 (@simonswiss) Dec 14, 2023
Tweet by @simonswiss
Tweet by @sparcbuddy
Tweet by @sparcbuddy
@leeerob @gaforres The ats is not going to check my linkedin or github — CoolGuyIndian09 (@sparcbuddy) Dec 13, 2023
Tweet by @sparcbuddy
Tweet by @TaelurAlexis
Tweet by @TaelurAlexis
Florence is magical 🥰 — Tae’lur Alexis (@TaelurAlexis) Dec 10, 2023
Tweet by @TaelurAlexis
Tweet by @_Rakuji
Tweet by @_Rakuji — 「樂」 (@_Rakuji) Dec 10, 2023
Tweet by @_Rakuji
Tweet by @leeerob
Tweet by @leeerob
TIME during "peak Swift" handled 100k requests/second with @nextjs self-hosted 👏 — Lee Robinson (@leeerob) Dec 9, 2023
Tweet by @leeerob
Tweet by @ChloeCondon
Tweet by @ChloeCondon
My dad asked what a meme is, so I'm educating him: — Chloe Condon (@ChloeCondon) Dec 9, 2023
Tweet by @ChloeCondon
Tweet by @csswizardry
Tweet by @csswizardry
My audits really do go this deep. You should get one for yourself… — Harry Roberts (@csswizardry) Dec 8, 2023
Tweet by @csswizardry
Tweet by @seaotta
Tweet by @seaotta
Join @jh3yy & I next week as we kick off the first episode of our podcast next week 🎉 — Stephanie 🔮 Web Witch (@seaotta) Dec 8, 2023
Tweet by @seaotta
Tweet by @_Rakuji
Tweet by @_Rakuji
NEW CONTRACT SIGNED — 「樂」 (@_Rakuji) Dec 6, 2023
Tweet by @_Rakuji
Tweet by @boagworld
Tweet by @boagworld
I have always defended the role of the generalist in the face of a greater push towards specializing . In the light of the growth of AI, this is becoming even more true as this article clearly outlines. — Paul Boag (@boagworld) Dec 6, 2023
Tweet by @boagworld
Tweet by @cassiecodes
Tweet by @cassiecodes
Dogs are so weird. I've had covid for a week and every morning I've woken up to Brody quietly sleeping as close to me as possible. This morning I woke up with a huge pile of his toys next to the bed and him staring at me expectantly. He was right. I do feel better. — Cassie Evans (@cassiecodes) Dec 5, 2023
Tweet by @cassiecodes
Tweet by @somefinetweets
Tweet by @somefinetweets
🔥🔥🔥 — Anna Fine AF (@somefinetweets) Dec 4, 2023
Tweet by @somefinetweets