So my father-in-law recently started a podcast on evolutionary biology in culture and politics but he has no idea how to promote himself so I thought I'd help!
Transplanting the bone marrow of young laboratory mice into old mice prevented cognitive decline in the old mice, preserving their memory and learning abilities, finds a new study, findings that could lead to therapies to slow progression of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's.
Having only 6.5 hours to sleep in 24 hours degrades performance and mood, finds a new study in teens. However, students in the split sleep group (night sleep of 5 hours plus a 1.5-hour afternoon nap) exhibited better alertness, working memory and mood than those who slept 6.5 hours continuously.
Astronomers discover a star in Andromeda that's exploded every year for millions of years. During these 'nova' eruptions, the star brightens by a millionfold as it ejects material at about 3% the speed of light. Over time, this has left behind one of the largest remnants of debris ever observed.
The best way to train surgeons may be to remove the stress of residency programs and make surgery a “hobby”. Under relaxed conditions outside a formal educational setting, 15 first-year medical students mastered microsurgical suturing and cutting skills in as little as five hour-long sessions.
Researchers showed that we can acquire the vocabulary of a new language during distinct phases of slow-wave sleep and that the sleep-learned vocabulary could be retrieved unconsciously following waking.
Microdosing psychedelics reduces depression and mind wandering but increases neuroticism, suggests new first-of-its-kind study (n=98 and 263) to systematically measure the psychological changes produced by microdosing, or taking very small amounts of psychedelic substances on a regular basis.