Real CONFIDENCE isn't built by faking it until you make it. It's built by developing a better relationship with your anxiety, defining and expanding your comfort zone, and most of all building a life that actually gets your needs met.
TIL Robert Frost's 'A Road Less Traveled' was intended to be a humorous jab at an indecisive colleague. The poem's intent was to convey how both paths are basically the same with the same outcome, so you should just select one randomly and get the fuck on with it already.
HONESTY improves your health and well being, but in order to stop lying to others, you first have to understand how you're lying to yourself. Being honest is an ACTIVE PRACTICE of paying attention to what you choose to see, hear, and most of all, what you choose to say.
People like you more than you know, suggests a new study published last week in Psychological Science, which reports that the common concern that new people may not like us, or that they may not enjoy our company, is largely unfounded.
Secrets of Body Language (2008) Interesting psychology documentary on how our body reveals our real intention.. learning how to control it is a powerful skill. [1:30:12]
Hayyael, the Tetramorph, Prince of Archons, Lord of Archangels, and Archon of the Hidden; his seven Archangels are Akatriel, Jehoel, Orphiel, Zagzagel, Rikbiel, Hadriel, and Dumah. Whereas the other Archons stand for the four cardinal directions, Hayyael stands for the Throne at the center of all.
It Is Dangerous to Be Safe -'Just as when you are in the field playing there is a price that you have to pay, when you sit on the fence there is also a price that you have to pay.