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Pip liked a post by Adam Irwin
Pip liked a post by Adam Irwin
A study of lost Cinemas in Liverpool. This is part of an ongoing project — Lost Buildings in Liverpool.
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Pip liked a post by Elizabet Oliveira
Pip liked a post by Elizabet Oliveira
So excited to join an incredible lineup of speakers next month with my talk: From Hip-Hop to Code! Sharing how hip-hop shaped my path to design, coding, and React.js, with a sneak peek at my projects! Can’t wait to share this journey!
Pip liked a post by Elizabet Oliveira
Pip liked a post by Natko Hasic
Pip liked a post by Natko Hasic
Hi all! Posting some work from earlier this year, hoping to connect with everyone interested in high quality UI design. Illustration and animation made in Figma.
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Pip liked a post by Fabio Ottaviani
Pip liked a post by Fabio Ottaviani
I generally work as a Creative Developer at Studiogusto, but in my free time, I enjoy creating quick shaders like this one. #shaders #glsl #webgl #creativecoding
Pip liked a post by Fabio Ottaviani
Pip liked a post by Ridd
Pip liked a post by Ridd
2 visual identities I've been studying (and loving) lately: 1. James Clear's "Atoms" app (designed by Metalab) 2. MyMind
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Pip liked a post by Baldur Bjarnason
Pip liked a post by Baldur Bjarnason
Sometimes Iceland just outright helps a photographer take pictures. I laughed out while I snapped it. “This is going to look awesome” 😄
Pip liked a post by Baldur Bjarnason
Pip liked a post by Elkjaer
Pip liked a post by Elkjaer
The new Horizon LEGO set is open to preorders now. Coming out March 1 - 2025 blog.playstation.com/2024/11/18/c...
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Pip liked a post by Erin Kissane
Pip liked a post by Erin Kissane
The actual thing though is Bluesky made a real Twitterlike with puppy-zoomies acceleration + algo choice while Mastodon made a thing that looked like a Twitterlike but was built from trap streets and faraday cages, and they’re going to accomplish really different things
Pip liked a post by Erin Kissane
Pip liked a post by Matt Brown
Pip liked a post by Matt Brown
Yeah, Mastodon is essentially an RSS feed reader skinned to look like Twitter. That makes it really great for the open web, but pretty bad as a cohesive product for non-geeks.
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Pip liked a post by naia
Pip liked a post by naia
has come to my attention that a bunch of the bpd traumaqueers are too young to have even ever heard the original bpd girl anthem and now i feel very old music.youtube.com/watch?v=zIAk...
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Pip liked a post by Darko
Pip liked a post by Darko
Arcane season 2 kicks ass - easily one of the better animated shows I've seen in recent years. BUT! Some of the soundtrack (looking at you, title track) feels so off, it's hard to put into words.
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Pip liked a post by Simon Holmes
Pip liked a post by Simon Holmes
One of @tailwindcss.com most underrated features is being able to find components by class name. Copy paste those crazy long class lists into the editor and it finds the relevant code every time. ideal 🪄
Pip liked a post by Simon Holmes
Pip liked a post by Baldur Bjarnason
Pip liked a post by Baldur Bjarnason
A couple of days off social media was what I needed. Did a lot of walks and photography. A curious quality of Iceland’s short midwinter day is how it feels like a dawn and a sunset rolled into one with no actual day. The light is born dying. But then again, isn’t everything?
Pip liked a post by Baldur Bjarnason
Pip liked a post by Theo Sanderson
Pip liked a post by Theo Sanderson
I continue to be fairly bewitched by this thing. I was just watching it as someone scored a touchdown or something and it was neat to see the chorus in response.
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Pip liked a post by tierney cyren
Pip liked a post by tierney cyren
this isn’t actually complete yet! The roses are going to extend over my collar bone and frame it, and we’re going to extend them from my arms into my back We’ll be doing a full length spine tattoo of a spine, and the roses will merge from each arm into the spine, wrapping around it and tapering off
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Pip liked a post by Ian Landsman
Pip liked a post by Ian Landsman
Been trying to download my Twitter archive for a week and it always fails. Running like a top over there.
Pip liked a post by Ian Landsman