

Custom sorting
Pip liked a post by Dave
Pip liked a post by Dave
It’s built on Tubu. It’s literally just Heebee lang. It runs on Poodee with ads. It’s literally just Dippy script. You can probably run it through Weeno. Dude it’s on Gumpy dot com. It’s by the people who made Pheebo. It’s Poob dot dev. You can load it on Poob. You can go to Po…
Pip liked a post by Dave
Pip liked a post by Jorge Caballero MD
Pip liked a post by Jorge Caballero MD
✨ Bluesky search tips and tricks Add `from:me` to find your own posts Add `to:me` to find replies/posts that mention you Add `since:YYYY-MM-DD` and/or `until:YYYY-MM-DD` to specify a date range Add `domain:theonion.com` to find posts linking to The Onion See more at bsky.social/about/blog/0...
Pip liked a post by Jorge Caballero MD
Pip liked a post by Marisa
Pip liked a post by Marisa
I put holds on my calendar to work on ceramics, writing, and illustration as a way to keep me honest and ensure I’m focusing on something creative. All I did today was clean out the studio but I guess that’s progress because now I can see what actually needs to be fired.
Pip liked a post by Marisa
TIL a UK trial of a 4-day workweek with 61 companies was so successful that 54 kept it and most made it permanent. Employees worked less but stayed just as productive with some companies seeing revenue grow by 35%. Workers also reported better health less burnout and even losing weight.
TIL a UK trial of a 4-day workweek with 61 companies was so successful that 54 kept it and most made it permanent. Employees worked less but stayed just as productive with some companies seeing revenue grow by 35%. Workers also reported better health less burnout and even losing weight.
TIL a UK trial of a 4-day workweek with 61 companies was so successful that 54 kept it and most made it permanent. Employees worked less but stayed just as productive with some companies seeing revenue grow by 35%. Workers also reported better health less burnout and even losing weight.
Pip liked a post by Abi Stevens
Pip liked a post by Abi Stevens
I am extremely open for commissions work rn! (I'm working on coming up with some clear frameworks to pur on vgen, but I do all sorts with bespoke quotes.) Email abistevens@btinternet.com if you're interested! #CommissionsOpen #ArtComms #HireAnArtist
Pip liked a post by Abi Stevens
Pip liked a post by Stuart Robson
Pip liked a post by Stuart Robson
145 Design Systems related articles in ye olde RSS reader to go through for the newsletter If you're a fan of Design Systems and all they entail and fancy a slice of the finest curated links every once in a while (no more than weekly) you can sign up here news.design.systems 🙏🖤
Pip liked a post by Stuart Robson
Pip liked a post by Addy Osmani
Pip liked a post by Addy Osmani
Must reads for web developers - how modern browsers work: 1️⃣ bit.ly/browsers-pt1 2️⃣ bit.ly/browsers-pt2 3️⃣ bit.ly/browsers-pt3 4️⃣ bit.ly/browsers-pt4 and browser.engineering a free to read book on the topic
Pip liked a post by Addy Osmani
Pip liked a post by daniel roe
Pip liked a post by daniel roe
I'm in the middle of a massive code cleanup/rethink I've never felt so alive ... also my brain is about to explode
Pip liked a post by daniel roe
Pip liked a post by Abi Stevens
Pip liked a post by Abi Stevens
I'm sorely tempted to delete my Fb and IG at this point, but then Bsky would be my only social media and that seems a bit too all-eggs-in-one-basket? 😅
Pip liked a post by Abi Stevens
Pip liked a post by Neil Ross
Pip liked a post by Neil Ross
I remember seeing this talk from Emily Shea and was blown away by her setup: youtu.be/YKuRkGkf5HU?...
Pip liked a post by Neil Ross
Pip liked a post by Salma
Pip liked a post by Salma
This is a great video. I think I got too overwhelmed by trying to learn Cursorless at the same time as Talon. I thought you needed them both, and I don’t think you really do. I think I’m gonna focus on learning how to use Talon properlyand see how far that gets me.
Pip liked a post by Salma
Pip liked a post by Tracy Chou
Pip liked a post by Tracy Chou
was talking to my therapist about how i feel a little ashamed to not be well educated, informed, or insightful enough to have opinions on a lot of things that matter and she’s like… maybe you shouldn’t compare yourself to people who don’t know anything and overconfidently express bad takes anyways
Pip liked a post by Tracy Chou
Pip liked a post by Salma
Pip liked a post by Salma
Domain purchased. Now, I just need to figure out how to code without my hands. And it’s rough out there. So rough, I actually need to make a YouTube video to show you how rough it is. But that’s gonna be tough without my hands.
Pip liked a post by Salma
Pip liked a post by Jan Toman
Pip liked a post by Jan Toman
A nice new example from @ariakitjs: Command Menu with Tabs ❤️ It has it all — tabs, multi-column layout (grid), full keyboard navigation, solid API. ariakit.org/examples/di...
Pip liked a post by Jan Toman