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Marisa (@marisamorby.bsky.social)
Marisa (@marisamorby.bsky.social)
Some thoughts on creativity and putting yourself out there, inspired by the @btconf.bsky.social conference from last week. https://marisamorby.com/putting-yourself-out-there/
Marisa (@marisamorby.bsky.social)
Mandy Mitchell (@mandymitchell.me)
Mandy Mitchell (@mandymitchell.me)
Hear me out: A conference focused on how our crafts, hobbies, and interests inform how we practice the craft of software engineering.
Mandy Mitchell (@mandymitchell.me)
Kyle Shevlin (he/him) (@kyleshevl.in)
Kyle Shevlin (he/him) (@kyleshevl.in)
I think one my toxic traits is I’m just not wired to “crush it” every day. Maybe more like every third day. I kicked ass yesterday. Struggling to start on real work today. Maybe I’ll find focus again by Friday.
Kyle Shevlin (he/him) (@kyleshevl.in)
Aaron Crowder (@crowdersoup.com)
Aaron Crowder (@crowdersoup.com)
But I bet you crushed it so fucking hard. That’s an adhd super power. I’ll have 2-3 good days a week and get more done those days than some people get done in a full week.
Aaron Crowder (@crowdersoup.com)
dan (@danabra.mov)
dan (@danabra.mov)
spotify showing “sponsored album recommendations” at the center of the home screen on every open despite me being a paying customer is such an L for the product. such a silly way to chip away at trust, and for what
dan (@danabra.mov)
Brad Gessler (@bradgessler.com)
Brad Gessler (@bradgessler.com)
Ok who is building the browser extension for Safari that lights up a 🦋 icon if the website I’m visiting has an _aproto DNS text record? When it lights up, I can click the icon and follow the account.
Brad Gessler (@bradgessler.com)
dan (@danabra.mov)
dan (@danabra.mov)
yeah we’ve also fixed some issues with “show less” not working, still plenty to keep fixing though
dan (@danabra.mov)
Savannah Ostrowski (@savannah.dev)
Savannah Ostrowski (@savannah.dev)
Never forget the time I had a blog post about self-hosting my personal websites on a Raspberry Pi cluster hit the front page of Hacker News, and the comments were like, "what about high availability/efficiency/etc!!!!!!!" Like guys, I'm hosting getshreked.com; this isn't that serious. https://getshreked.com
Savannah Ostrowski (@savannah.dev)
luna (@imlunahey.com)
luna (@imlunahey.com)
no fucking way it was this easy [contains quote post or other embedded content]
luna (@imlunahey.com)
Amy Tobey (@renice.bsky.social)
Amy Tobey (@renice.bsky.social)
my akg553 headphones have thousands of hours on them and the cable recently failed so like any sane person I researched replacements and decided to build my own from high strand count 24awg wire. I'm pleased even though these headphones are ugly af 😁
Amy Tobey (@renice.bsky.social)
Kaelig (@kaelig.fr)
Kaelig (@kaelig.fr)
Watch out for folks saying “let’s just a/b test this” for micro-decisions: it's often a cop-out. Chances are, your team is bad at making great decisions, quickly. In a world where capital isn't free, each bet has a cost, and product teams need to understand it 🧵
Kaelig (@kaelig.fr)
Kaelig (@kaelig.fr)
Kaelig (@kaelig.fr)
👻 Hidden costs: 1. Comms overhead for all the above to happen 2. Seasoned experts feeling de-valued 3. Docs & support confusion 4. Increased risk of multi-experiment data cross-contamination 5. Zombie experiment pile-up The two biggest ones are 6 & 7.
Kaelig (@kaelig.fr)
linoman (@linoman.bsky.social)
linoman (@linoman.bsky.social)
It is scientifically proven that working out before work dramatically increases your productivity, improves your mood, and increases the chances of reminding everyone else about it at least five times before lunch.
linoman (@linoman.bsky.social)
Lynn (@lynnntropy.bsky.social)
Lynn (@lynnntropy.bsky.social)
I know all I'm doing here is outing myself as someone who also needs this, but I'd love to have someone try to convince me that the party at fault in this scenario is the patient, not the doctor's office for creating the situation to begin with
Lynn (@lynnntropy.bsky.social)
Patrick Meenan (@patmeenan.bsky.social)
Patrick Meenan (@patmeenan.bsky.social)
Hmm, there is a zstd module for php that should be able to support the HTTP compression dictionaries with a tiny tweak (just need to add the 40-byte stream header). Fingers crossed, filed an issue: https://github.com/kjdev/php-ext-zstd/issues/73
Patrick Meenan (@patmeenan.bsky.social)
Geri Coady (ジェリー) (@gericoady.bsky.social)
Geri Coady (ジェリー) (@gericoady.bsky.social)
Hi new followers! 👋 I'm Geri—an illustrator and sumo-obsessed Japan lover living in the UK. I run a shop called GeriDrawsJapan.com and do illustration for a variety of clients with a focus on kids' books, websites, and more. I'm also accepting a couple of more pre-holiday commissions! hellogeri.com
Geri Coady (ジェリー) (@gericoady.bsky.social)
Ludwig Yeetgenstein (@yeet.bsky.social)
Ludwig Yeetgenstein (@yeet.bsky.social)
It’s so freeing to be able to say substack freely here and not have to say s*bst*ck or some such thing. Substack substack substack substack substack substack https://media.tenor.com/aHyTAW8yweQAAAAC/developers-ballmer.gif?hh=180&ww=180
Ludwig Yeetgenstein (@yeet.bsky.social)
Cameron Moll (@cameronmoll.bsky.social)
Cameron Moll (@cameronmoll.bsky.social)
Loving this neue font from Pangram Pangram. Neue Corp is a variable font with geometric and grotesque elements, ranging from Condensed Thin to Extended Black. That Wide Thin weight tugs at my type heart strings 😍 🔗 https://pangrampangram.com/products/neue-corp
Cameron Moll (@cameronmoll.bsky.social)
Haz (@haz.dev)
Haz (@haz.dev)
I created a starter pack with designers and developers who work on component libraries and share their work publicly, so you can get inspiration or learn from them. I certainly missed many people, so if you'd like to be included, please comment below. I'll add more people over time. [contains quote post or other embedded content]
Haz (@haz.dev)
Jack Herrington (@jherr.dev)
Jack Herrington (@jherr.dev)
There are two NextJS 15's. There is the released one, where the default aggressive caching disabled. And there is the canary version where you can enable dynamicIO to have essentially an entirely different development system. "The app is NextJS 15." "Which NextJS 15?"
Jack Herrington (@jherr.dev)