Bodyweight Leg Strength exercises provide a very solid foundation for Weighted Leg Strength: just Deadlifted 175kg (385lbs) @ 80kg(176lbs) after 3 months of weightlifting
Overparenting or helicopter parenting, a narcissistic parenting style, may impede the development of young adult independence, and be linked to development of narcissistic traits, which may be how narcissism can be passed on from generation to generation, suggests new study (n=380 college students).
Curcumin (Tumeric extract) Protects Against Chronic Stress-induced Dysregulation of Neuroplasticity and Depression-like Behaviors via Suppressing IL-1β Pathway in Rats
TIL When it rains, people publish more negative posts on Facebook. Each negative post negatively affects one to two other people. The negative post spreads like contagion, negatively affecting people's moods in cities without rainfall. Social networks magnify the synchronisation of global moods.
By slightly changing the composition of the air we breathe using a small inhaler, certain migraine patients can either cut down on medication or do without it completely, as shown by a new double-blinded randomized controlled pilot study.