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In Terry Pratchetts books 'The Colour of Magic' and 'The Light Fantastic' he equates magic with high energy physics. The number 8 is given great mystical significance and the colour emanated by magic is called Octeroon. I think this article explains where he got these ideas from. interesting stuf
In Terry Pratchetts books 'The Colour of Magic' and 'The Light Fantastic' he equates magic with high energy physics. The number 8 is given great mystical significance and the colour emanated by magic is called Octeroon. I think this article explains where he got these ideas from. interesting stuf
In Terry Pratchetts books 'The Colour of Magic' and 'The Light Fantastic' he equates magic with high energy physics. The number 8 is given great mystical significance and the colour emanated by magic is called Octeroon. I think this article explains where he got these ideas from. interesting stuf
“Because of global climate change, huge amounts of permafrost are rapidly warming. To microbes, they’re like freezers full of juicy chicken dinners that are thawing out,” -- researcher Virginia Rich. Researchers found 1,500 new microbial genomes, doubled known types of viruses in the world.
“Because of global climate change, huge amounts of permafrost are rapidly warming. To microbes, they’re like freezers full of juicy chicken dinners that are thawing out,” -- researcher Virginia Rich. Researchers found 1,500 new microbial genomes, doubled known types of viruses in the world.
“Because of global climate change, huge amounts of permafrost are rapidly warming. To microbes, they’re like freezers full of juicy chicken dinners that are thawing out,” -- researcher Virginia Rich. Researchers found 1,500 new microbial genomes, doubled known types of viruses in the world.
The Pragmatic Thinker: Keeping Our Beliefs Grounded in What Matters - 'It's easy to get lost in abstract thinking and over-philosophizing. The pragmatic thinker knows that their beliefs only matter to the extent that they have a real world effect on our lives.
The Pragmatic Thinker: Keeping Our Beliefs Grounded in What Matters - 'It's easy to get lost in abstract thinking and over-philosophizing. The pragmatic thinker knows that their beliefs only matter to the extent that they have a real world effect on our lives.
The Pragmatic Thinker: Keeping Our Beliefs Grounded in What Matters - 'It's easy to get lost in abstract thinking and over-philosophizing. The pragmatic thinker knows that their beliefs only matter to the extent that they have a real world effect on our lives.