

How Bear does analytics with CSS
How Bear does analytics with CSS
Bear Blog has a few design constraints for speed, efficiency, and stability. There are many great open-source, privacy-focussed analytics platforms out there...
How Bear does analytics with CSS
A Couple of New CSS Functions I’d Never Heard Of
A Couple of New CSS Functions I’d Never Heard Of
light-dark() Saw Bramus post about this. :root { color-scheme: light dark; –text-color: light-dark(#333, #ccc); } Apparently, this is just a first step on the way toward a more robust schemed…
A Couple of New CSS Functions I’d Never Heard Of
Introducing the Netlify Composable Web Platform
Introducing the Netlify Composable Web Platform
Announcing the Netlify Composable Web Platform — the foundation for companies looking to modernize their web architecture to ship faster, reduce risk, and drive higher revenue.
Introducing the Netlify Composable Web Platform
CSS is fun again
CSS is fun again
CSS has been undergoing a quiet renaissance lately. Lots of big features which previously required an external tool to use, are now native parts of the language, and its growing more and more all the time. If you haven't used CSS in a long time, for whatever reason, now is the time to take a look again.
CSS is fun again
Passkeys: A No-Frills Explainer On The Future Of Password-Less Authentication — Smashing Magazine
Passkeys: A No-Frills Explainer On The Future Of Password-Less Authentication — Smashing Magazine
Passkeys are beginning to make their way into popular apps, from password managers to multi-factor authenticators, but what exactly are they? As this new technology promises to make passwords a thing of the past, Neal Fennimore explains the concepts behind passkeys, demonstrates how they work, and speculates what we might expect from them in the future.
Passkeys: A No-Frills Explainer On The Future Of Password-Less Authentication — Smashing Magazine
The five principles of modern developer tools | Knock
The five principles of modern developer tools | Knock
A deep dive into how modern developer tools bring typing, CI/CD integration, and version control to engineering teams where they work.
The five principles of modern developer tools | Knock
My muscle-memory git toolbox
My muscle-memory git toolbox
This blog post has been on my to-do list ever since I saw Daniel Stenberg’s blog post “This is how I git” (November 2020). I thought, “I should do one of those posts, too!” This post focuses on my basic muscle-memory git commands. There are at least two other major Git subtopics this post doesn’t mention at all: “branching discipline” (what is a release branch? what’s the difference between rebase and merge?) and “hygiene” (how big should a commit be? what does a good commit message look like?). That is — as usual for this blog — we’re talking tactics, not strategy.
My muscle-memory git toolbox
Hide Your Large JSON Files from The TypeScript Compiler
Hide Your Large JSON Files from The TypeScript Compiler
I spent some time at work looking into speeding up TypeScript type checking via tsc. One of the biggest wins I found was also one of the simplest to implement.
Hide Your Large JSON Files from The TypeScript Compiler
Use Abstraction to Improve Function Readability
Use Abstraction to Improve Function Readability
This is another post in our Code Health series. A version of this post originally appeared in Google bathrooms worldwide as a Google Testin...
Use Abstraction to Improve Function Readability
A Journey Into Shaders
A Journey Into Shaders
I finally decided to learn shaders. If you're curious about what shaders are and how they work, this article is for you. We'll start with the basics and build a simple blob from scratch.
A Journey Into Shaders
The nine best recommendations in the new React docs
The nine best recommendations in the new React docs
The latest React docs include recommendations on how to write React code. Here are nine points that come up most about React code style to help you avoid difficult-to-diagnose bugs.
The nine best recommendations in the new React docs
Goodbye, Node.js Buffer
Goodbye, Node.js Buffer
It's time to move from Buffer to Uint8Array.
Goodbye, Node.js Buffer
Upgrading: Codemods | Next.js
Upgrading: Codemods | Next.js
Use codemods to upgrade your Next.js codebase when new features are released.
Upgrading: Codemods | Next.js
A language to specify Platform Architecture
A language to specify Platform Architecture
Software isn’t hardware. While it takes time to build, assemble and ship a hardware product, software can literally be built, assembled and…
A language to specify Platform Architecture