WordCamp Europe Keynote

WebRTC in a nutshell
Building a Design Portfolio with Enhance — Begin Blog
Cole goes on a deep dive through our new design portfolio example, and demonstrates how a little HTML and CSS can go a very long way in 2023.
Future CSS: State Container Queries - Ahmad Shadeed
An early look at CSS state queries.
JavaScript Gom Jabbar
What's inside that package.json? Pain.
How NASA Writes Space-Proof Code
Useful DevTools Tips and Tricks — Smashing Magazine
Let’s discover the most popular DevTools tips that can boost your productivity and revolutionize your debugging workflow.
CommonJS is hurting JavaScript
How CommonJS became Node's module system, ESM solved modules for the browser, and why supporting both slows down the JavaScript ecosystem.
How to Write More Efficient JavaScript Conditions
When you're coding in JavaScript, conditions are important for developing a functional application. Conditional statements are important because you use them as "validators" which can either return truth or false. You can then use them to trigger further actions within the program. But with many long, messy if statements
Processing images with sharp in Node.js - LogRocket Blog
sharp is a high-performance image processing module for Node.js. Learn how to use sharp for UGC management.
Using useMutation to make an advanced toggle in React
Recently, we were adding some new functionality to our dashboard, and we wanted an experience like this:
The basic features are:
* The toggle should make an external request when clicked to change the setting
* While the request is being made, a loading spinner should appear next to the toggle
* If
Ultimate Guide: NextJS, NestJS & TRPC Monorepo [Updated 2023]
Discover how to create a fully type-safe pnpm monorepo using NestJS and NextJS. This comprehensive tutorial covers the integration of tRPC as the API layer, providing end-to-end type safety for your full-stack TypeScript application.
WebContainer API Docs
Build the future of web based coding experiences, from interactive tutorials to instant production-ready dev environments.
npm, yarn and pnpm are now supported natively in WebContainers
We have shipped native support for npm and with that, WebContainers now support all major package managers.
Running Promises in Parallel: A Visual Guide - JulesBlom.com
Dealing with multiple promise efficiently using the Promise Concurrecny methods, visualized
A Primer on the Built-in Node.js Test Runner
A 5-minute primer on the built-in Node.js test runner. Learn how to structure your project, write tests, and run them.
Web Apps on macOS Sonoma 14 Beta
The personal blog of Thomas Steiner
JavaScript's Backtick Strings are Likely the Wrong Tool for Your Job
It's way too common to try to put together query strings using JavaScript's template strings. Thankfully, there's an easy and much better way.
wasmati: You should write your WebAssembly in TypeScript - ZKSECURITY
If you know about WebAssembly or Wasm, you might have heard a few different pitches for why you need it:
It’s a low level language for the web. So, it’s faster than JS. Use it to speed up things. It’s a build target. As such, it enables you to use languages other than JS on the web. You could write a web library in Rust or Go! You actually don’t use it on the web, but on the backend!
DVLA Software Developers: Behind the Screens - Department for Transport Careers
I’m Tom Collins and I am Principal Software Engineer at the Driver and Vehicle Licencing Agency. More specifically I work within Service Creation where we focus on digital product delivery across several major workstreams. A software developer is a multi-disciplined person who is capable of designing, developing, maintaining, updating, testing, and evaluating software systems and processes. You may […]
An introduction to @scope in CSS
Style based on proximity and set a lower boundary for a selector.
Use CSS Variables to customize the look and feel of your application.
Linting defensive and logical CSS with Stylelint plugins - LogRocket Blog
In this article, we’ll explore using Stylelint plugins to help us adopt and enforce defensive and logical CSS practices.
JavaScript Macros in Bun
Call JavaScript functions at bundle-time and inline results into the AST
Celebrating 10 Years of React – Vercel
Congratulations to the React team for a decade of innovation.
SharedWorker - Web APIs | MDN
The SharedWorker interface represents a specific kind of worker that can be accessed from several browsing contexts, such as several windows, iframes or even workers. They implement an interface different than dedicated workers and have a different global scope, SharedWorkerGlobalScope.
How I’ve Shifted My Angular App to a Standalone Components Approach
The standalone components concept was introduced with Angular v14 as an experimental feature, which was announced as optional, easily…
zakirullin/cognitive-load: 🧠 Cognitive Load Developer's Handbook
🧠 Cognitive Load Developer's Handbook. Contribute to zakirullin/cognitive-load development by creating an account on GitHub.
How to evaluate dependencies
One of my stock interview questions goes:
"When picking between dependencies to use in production,
what factors contribute to your decision?"
I'm surprised by how often
I receive an answer along the lines of
"Github stars" and not much else.
I happen to think Github stars is a terrible metric
for selecting production code,
so this post sets out my idea
of a healthier framework to evaluate dependencies.
Faker.js UI
Use Faker.js UI to easiliy generate fake (but realistic) data for testing and development using Faker.js