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CSS Utility Classes and "Separation of Concerns"
CSS Utility Classes and "Separation of Concerns"
Over the last several years, the way I write CSS has transitioned from a "semantic" approach to something more like what people call "functional CSS." In this post I explain how I got to this point and share some of the lessons and insights I've picked up along the way.
CSS Utility Classes and "Separation of Concerns"
jestjs - testing private functions in typescript with jest - Stack Overflow
jestjs - testing private functions in typescript with jest - Stack Overflow
In the below code my test case was passed as expected but i am using stryker for mutation testing , handleError function is survived in mutation testing , so i want to kill the mutant by testing the
jestjs - testing private functions in typescript with jest - Stack Overflow
Duende Software
Duende Software
We help companies using .NET to build identity and access control solutions for modern applications.
Duende Software
Test the Preview Vercel Deploys | Better world by better software
Test the Preview Vercel Deploys | Better world by better software
The site Vercel deployment Index page Preview deploys Testing Testing previews Bonus: print the GitHub event and values GitHub Checks Cypress Dashboard Cypress GH Integration More info The s
Test the Preview Vercel Deploys | Better world by better software
Things You Can Do With CSS Today — Smashing Magazine
Things You Can Do With CSS Today — Smashing Magazine
The present and future of CSS are very bright indeed and if you take a pragmatic, progressive approach to your CSS, then things will continue to get better and better on your projects, too.
Things You Can Do With CSS Today — Smashing Magazine
Bulletproof flag components | Jay Freestone
Bulletproof flag components | Jay Freestone
A resilient take on a flag component using CSS Grid. A flag is similar to the ubiquitous media object, but with a more nuanced alignment.
Bulletproof flag components | Jay Freestone
Coding is Not Computer Science – r y x, r
Coding is Not Computer Science – r y x, r
Coding is computer science in the same way that buying something at the store is economics, or talking to your neighbor is sociology. Buying a widget at the store is governed by dynamics described …
Coding is Not Computer Science – r y x, r
TypeScript: Low maintenance types
TypeScript: Low maintenance types
I write a lot about TypeScript and I enjoy the benefits it gives me in my daily work a lot. But I have a confession to make, I don’t really like writing types or type annotations. I’m really happy that TypeScript can infer so much out of my usage when writing regular JavaScript so I’m not bothered writing anything extra.
TypeScript: Low maintenance types
Angular - Route
Angular - Route
Angular is a platform for building mobile and desktop web applications. Join the community of millions of developers who build compelling user interfaces with Angular.
Angular - Route
The Analytics That Matter | CSS-Tricks
The Analytics That Matter | CSS-Tricks
I've long been skeptical of quoting global browser usage percentages to justify their usage of browser features. It doesn't matter what global usage of a
The Analytics That Matter | CSS-Tricks
Introducing Zero-Bundle-Size React Server Components – React Blog
Introducing Zero-Bundle-Size React Server Components – React Blog
2020 has been a long year. As it comes to an end we wanted to share a special Holiday Update on our research into zero-bundle-size React Server Components. To introduce React Server Components, we have prepared a talk and a demo. If you want, you can check them out during the holidays, or later when work picks back up in the new year. React Server Components are still in research and development. We are sharing this work in the spirit of transparency and to get initial feedback from the React…
Introducing Zero-Bundle-Size React Server Components – React Blog
24 days of #JavaScriptmas
24 days of #JavaScriptmas
Level up your JavaScript skills with a daily coding challenge from December 1st to 24th. Every day, we'll pick a winner who gets Scrimba Pro for a year (worth $150). On Christmas Eve, a winner gets $1000.
24 days of #JavaScriptmas
The community-driven resource library of CSS Houdini worklets. Learn about CSS Houdini, its APIs, usage, polyfills, and browser status, to take advantage of the Houdini APIs today.
TILs From the Epic React Advanced Hooks Workshop :: rockyourcode
TILs From the Epic React Advanced Hooks Workshop :: rockyourcode
Here are some notes from the Epic React workshop Advanced Hooks. Function Dependencies in useEffect We use the useEffect hook to run side effects in React. The hook has a “dependency array” which tells it when to fire. That works fine if the trigger is a variable. Like this: const [count, setCount] = useState(0) React.useEffect(() = { // Update the document title using the browser API document.title = `You clicked ${count} times` }, [count]) //
TILs From the Epic React Advanced Hooks Workshop :: rockyourcode
No One Ever Got Fired for Choosing React — jake lazaroff
No One Ever Got Fired for Choosing React — jake lazaroff
If you spend a lot of time on Hacker News, it’s easy to get taken by the allure of building a web app without a framework. There are a bunch of potential advantages (no bloat! bespoke to your project!) and being able to say you built something with minimal dependencies gets you Engineer Points. That is, if you can pull it off.
No One Ever Got Fired for Choosing React — jake lazaroff
The Story of MyCodeSchool: Tragedy, Triumph, and Two Friends Who Changed Programmer Education Forever
The Story of MyCodeSchool: Tragedy, Triumph, and Two Friends Who Changed Programmer Education Forever
I first started learning to code in 2012. And there was one YouTube channel that all my friends used to learn algorithms and data structures: MyCodeSchool. Within minutes of watching MyCodeSchool, you could immediately tell that: 1. These developers were really passionate about computer science. And 2. They
The Story of MyCodeSchool: Tragedy, Triumph, and Two Friends Who Changed Programmer Education Forever
Creating UI Components in SVG | CSS-Tricks
Creating UI Components in SVG | CSS-Tricks
I’m thoroughly convinced that SVG unlocks a whole entire world of building interfaces on the web. It might seem daunting to learn SVG at first, but you have a
Creating UI Components in SVG | CSS-Tricks