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Removing Panic From E-Commerce Shipping And Inventory Alerts — Smashing Magazine
Removing Panic From E-Commerce Shipping And Inventory Alerts — Smashing Magazine
There was a time when marketers used things like urgency, scarcity and FOMO to drive online shoppers to a sale. But scare tactics can actually hurt a brand’s relationships with customers. By their very nature, we run into similar problems with shipping and inventory alerts. That said, there are ways that web designers can keep panic and frustration from seeping into the shopper’s experience.
Removing Panic From E-Commerce Shipping And Inventory Alerts — Smashing Magazine
JSX-driven components with Crank.js - LogRocket Blog
JSX-driven components with Crank.js - LogRocket Blog
Crank.js is a new, JSX-driven framework for creating components with functions, promises, and generators. See how it works and how it compares to React.
JSX-driven components with Crank.js - LogRocket Blog
Understanding CSS Layout And The Block Formatting Context — Smashing Magazine
Understanding CSS Layout And The Block Formatting Context — Smashing Magazine
You might never have heard the phrase 'Block Formatting Context', but if you have used CSS for layout you probably already know what it does. In this article I’ll explain the existing ways to create a Block Formatting Context, why it is important in CSS layout, and show you a new method of creating one.
Understanding CSS Layout And The Block Formatting Context — Smashing Magazine
Are You a Developer?
Are You a Developer?
“You’re not really a developer. Sooner or later people are going to realize you don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re just not good enough.” You’ve
Are You a Developer?
Generate a Hash from string in Javascript - Stack Overflow
Generate a Hash from string in Javascript - Stack Overflow
I need to convert strings to some form of hash. Is this possible in JavaScript? I'm not utilizing a server-side language so I can't do it that way.
Generate a Hash from string in Javascript - Stack Overflow
Roam Research: Why I Love It and How I Use It - Nat Eliason
Roam Research: Why I Love It and How I Use It - Nat Eliason
Roam has a learning curve, but after a few weeks of playing with it I already love it much more than Evernote and Notion. Here's why, and how I'm using it.
Roam Research: Why I Love It and How I Use It - Nat Eliason
Vercel Integrations Documentation - Vercel
Vercel Integrations Documentation - Vercel
Vercel is a platform for frontend frameworks and static sites, built to integrate with your headless content, commerce, or database.
Vercel Integrations Documentation - Vercel