

Custom sorting
Introduction to Components
Introduction to Components
Components are the core building block in which all applications written with React, Angular, and Vue are built. Let's explore what they are and how to build them.
Introduction to Components
Functional documentation
Functional documentation
Thoughts on making our documentation as reusable as our code.
Functional documentation
Testing HTML With Modern CSS
Testing HTML With Modern CSS
CSS can be a great HTML testing tool, especially in 2024
Testing HTML With Modern CSS
We need visual programming. No, not like that.
We need visual programming. No, not like that.
Why do we keep building visual programming environments? Why do we never use them? What should we do instead?
We need visual programming. No, not like that.
Index - OpenNext
Index - OpenNext
Open source Next.js serverless adapter
Index - OpenNext
Learn programmatic SEO
Learn programmatic SEO
Practical Programmatic is a complete course that teaches you everything you need to get started building programmatic SEO projects - with code, no-code, or AI content.
Learn programmatic SEO
Snappy UI Optimization with useDeferredValue
Snappy UI Optimization with useDeferredValue
useDeferredValue is one of the most underrated React hooks. It allows us to dramatically improve the performance of our applications in certain contexts. I recently used it to solve a gnarly performance problem on this blog, and in this tutorial, I'll show you how! ⚡
Snappy UI Optimization with useDeferredValue
Big Ball of Mud
Big Ball of Mud
While much attention has been focused on high-level software architectural patterns, what is, in effect, the de-facto standard software architecture is seldom discussed. This paper examines the most frequently deployed architecture: the BIG BALL OF MUD
Big Ball of Mud
bliki: Humble Object
bliki: Humble Object
If a program element is hard to test, move as much logic as possible out into testable collaborators.
bliki: Humble Object
Write code that is easy to delete, not easy to extend.
Write code that is easy to delete, not easy to extend.
“Every line of code is written without reason, maintained out of weakness, and deleted by chance” Jean-Paul Sartre’s Programming in ANSI C.
Write code that is easy to delete, not easy to extend.
Our Journey with Caching
Our Journey with Caching
Learn about our journey with caching in Next.js App Router.
Our Journey with Caching
Building GitHub with Ruby and Rails
Building GitHub with Ruby and Rails
Since the beginning, has been a Ruby on Rails monolith. Today, the application is nearly two million lines of code and more than 1,000 engineers collaborate on it daily.…
Building GitHub with Ruby and Rails
The side effect of being open to new way of writing software
The side effect of being open to new way of writing software
It is ok to experiment. Usually good codebases need standards and rules to speed up collaboration and more in general to facilitate expansion. Some of those are enforced at the language or community level via formatter, linters. Others got introduced step by step from previous contributors.
The side effect of being open to new way of writing software
Mike McQuaid on 15 years of Homebrew
Mike McQuaid on 15 years of Homebrew
This week we’re talking to Mike McQuaid, project leader and longest tenured maintainer of Homebrew, a...
Mike McQuaid on 15 years of Homebrew
The Wrong Abstraction — Sandi Metz
The Wrong Abstraction — Sandi Metz
I've been thinking about the consequences of the "wrong abstraction."  My RailsConf 2014 "all the little things" talk included a section where I asserted: duplication is far cheaper than the wrong abstraction And in the summary, I went on to advise:
The Wrong Abstraction — Sandi Metz
Exploring different ways to pass a function into a method in Ruby — doryfish — Bloggie
Exploring different ways to pass a function into a method in Ruby — doryfish — Bloggie
Hello~ today I will to share a post about different ways of passing functions in Ruby. There are many ways to pass code around in Ruby, so today I’m going to make a comparison between the 4 different ways. In this post, I will show the syntax of ...
Exploring different ways to pass a function into a method in Ruby — doryfish — Bloggie