How I destroyed the company's DB
TanStack Router – modern React for the rest of us | Swizec Teller
TanStack Router puts the router in control of data, state, and UI and it's ... really good.
image-rendering - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN
The image-rendering CSS property sets an image scaling algorithm. The property applies to an element itself, to any images set in its other properties, and to its descendants.
Image Inconsistencies: How and When Browsers Download Images – Harry Roberts – Web Performance Consultant
How and when do browsers download certain types of image? What does that mean for performance?
The SVG `path` Syntax: An Illustrated Guide | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
The element in SVG is the ultimate drawing element. It can draw anything! I've heard that under the hood all the other drawing elements ultimately use path
Making Charts with CSS | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
There are many ways to make visual representations of data: bar charts, line graphs, scatter diagrams, sparklines... not to mention the many ways in which you
Common Tech Jobs Described as Cabals of Mesoamerican Wizards
AWM #91: I wanted to clarify the tech work landscape for myself and instead I wrote this (??) 🪞
DDD, Hexagonal, Onion, Clean, CQRS, … How I put it all together – @hgraca
In my last posts I’ve been writing about many of the concepts and principles that I’ve learned and a bit about how I reason about them. But I see these as just pieces of big a puzzle. …
Rest Hooks Introduction - Asynchronous Data for React ✨
Rest Hooks Introduction - Asynchronous Data for React ✨
Style Guide | Redux
Redux Style Guide: recommended patterns and best practices for using Redux
Redux Essentials, Part 1: Redux Overview and Concepts | Redux
The official Essentials tutorial for Redux: learn how to use Redux, the right way
command-line-interface – Documentation for MJML - The Responsive Email Framework
Non-binary ngIf: Augmenting Angular directives | AngularWave
Let’s see how to extend base logic of Angular directives by matching the same selector and add a long waited features to built-in…
Reversing for dummies - x86 assembly and C code (Beginner/ADHD friendly) ·
Leveraging System Fonts on the Web - Jim Nielsen’s Blog
A Comprehensive Guide to Font Loading Strategies—
A post by Zach Leatherman (zachleat)
Pedro Duarte — Code blocks, but better
Code blocks, but better
Social Interactions | Analytics for Web (analytics.js)
About HTML semantics and front-end architecture – Nicolas Gallagher
A critical look the term 'semantic HTML' and the limitations it has created for web engineers
jestjs - testing private functions in typescript with jest - Stack Overflow
In the below code my test case was passed as expected but i am using stryker for mutation testing , handleError function is survived in mutation testing , so i want to kill the mutant by testing the
Duende Software
We help companies using .NET to build identity and access control solutions for modern applications.
Test the Preview Vercel Deploys | Better world by better software
The site Vercel deployment Index page Preview deploys Testing Testing previews Bonus: print the GitHub event and values GitHub Checks Cypress Dashboard Cypress GH Integration More info The s
TypeScript: Low maintenance types
I write a lot about TypeScript and I enjoy the benefits it gives me in my daily work a lot. But I have a confession to make, I don’t really like writing types or type annotations. I’m really happy that TypeScript can infer so much out of my usage when writing regular JavaScript so I’m not bothered writing anything extra.
Angular - Route
Angular is a platform for building mobile and desktop web applications. Join the community of millions of developers who build compelling user interfaces with Angular.
typescript - I get "Http failure response for (unknown url): 0 Unknown Error" instead of actual error message in Angular - Stack Overflow
I'm using Angular 4 HttpClient to send requests to external service. It is a very standard setup:
this.httpClient.get(url).subscribe(response = {
//do something with response
}, err = {
Converting Chart.js canvas chart to image using .toDataUrl() results in blank image - Stack Overflow
I am using Chart.js. I am trying to convert the chart to an image by getting a base 64 string. The tutorial ( devotes an entire 1 line on the topic:
The canvas element
An Easy Javascript Error Logger using Google Analytics
300+ React Interview Questions - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
Today I prepared a huge list of React Interview Questions from this awesome repo For more info, I...
Art of Code — Why you should write more Pseudo Code | by Yonatan Doron | Medium
How constantly composing solutions to daily problems with the aid of Pseudo Code can help us become better developers
Learn Rust by writing a simple game |
When you want to learn a new programming language, it's good to focus on the things programming languages have in common: