GumHub is a one-click solution to sell access to your GitHub repos with Gumroad.When you purchase GumHub, you'll get access to the source code, along with instructions for getting it up-and-running...
An introduction to the utilization of Generics in TypeScript with examples grounded in real-world use cases, such as collections, approaches to error handling, the Repository Pattern, and so on.
“Create Once, Publish Everywhere” With WordPress — Smashing Magazine
The term COPE (“Create Once, Publish Everywhere”) is a methodology for publishing our content to different outputs (website, AMP site, email, apps, and so on) by having a single source of truth for all of them. Let’s explore how to implement COPE using WordPress.
When was the last time you saw an error and had _no idea_ what it meant (and therefore no idea what to do about it)? Today? Yeah, you're not alone... Let's talk about how to fix that.
Opinionated Guide to React by Sara Vieira [PDF/iPad/Kindle]
After working with React for a few years and tackling a lot of its most common use applications, I’ve learned some tips and tricks that can create a smoother experience with less frustration for the most not-so-obvious things.
JSX-driven components with Crank.js - LogRocket Blog
Crank.js is a new, JSX-driven framework for creating components with functions, promises, and generators. See how it works and how it compares to React.