Web Components Will Outlive Your JavaScript Framework | jakelazaroff.com
If we're building things that we want to work in five or ten or even 20 years, we need to avoid dependencies and use the web with no layers in between.
The nine best recommendations in the new React docs
The latest React docs include recommendations on how to write React code. Here are nine points that come up most about React code style to help you avoid difficult-to-diagnose bugs.
I finally decided to learn shaders. If you're curious about what shaders are and how they work, this article is for you. We'll start with the basics and build a simple blob from scratch.
Hide Your Large JSON Files from The TypeScript Compiler
I spent some time at work looking into speeding up TypeScript type checking via tsc. One of the biggest wins I found was also one of the simplest to implement.
This article explores what makes a great project README, how Appsmith made ours as accessible as possible and provides examples of other effective READMEs.
Adopting existing tools that work, applying them to the business problems at hand, and quickly iterating in the business domain rather than endlessly swirling in the vortex of technobabble is woefully underrated. I’ve worked at two kinds of companies before:
One that only cares about measurable business outcomes, accruing technical debt and blaming engineers when no one wants to work with their codebase, ultimately hurting the product. Another that has staff engineers spending all day on linter configurations and writing seldom-read RFCs while juniors want to ditch Celery for Kafka because the latter is hip.
Generate open graph social preview images with Remix
Learn how to generate social preview images for your website with Remix and Tailwind. Use Vercel's Satori package with Remix for dynamic open graph images. Fetch fonts from Google automatically.
Writing Components That Work In Any Frontend Framework
Web components let developers write interoperable components, but at the cost of lots of boilerplate. Learn how you can write components that work in Svelte, Vue, React, and other frameworks, with minimal boilerplate.
Kraken Technologies: How we organise our very large Python monolith
By David Seddon from Kraken Technologies. Hi, I’m David, a Python developer at Kraken Technologies. I work on Kraken: a Python application which has, at last count, 27,637 modules. Yes, you read that right: nearly 28k separate Python files - not including tests. I do this along with
How to Write Commit Messages that Project Maintainers Will Appreciate
You know the saying “If you keep looking at the past, you’ll miss the future”? Well in the context of coding and working with Git, that’s not the case. Your commit history plays a huge role in the future of the open source projects that you contribute to, and