The Front-End Operations Engineer — Smashing Magazine
When a team builds a complex application, there is often a common breakdown of roles. Specifically on the back end, there are database engineers, application engineers and operations engineers, or something close to this. In recent years, more and more application logic is being deferred to the client side "Front-End Ops")](https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2013/06/11/front-end-ops/).
:focus-visible Is Here
With Chromium 86 and now recently Firefox 85 supporting :focus-visible, it’s a good time to refer to this post by Matthias Ott: The :focus-visible pseudo-class lets you show focus styles only when they are needed, using the same heuristic that the browser uses to decide whether to show the default focus indicator. You use :focus-visible … Continue reading ":focus-visible Is Here"