Securing the Frontend: A Practical Guide for Developers
Five steps for managing legacy code
Monads in JavaScript
Caches: LRU v. random
Maybe Getting Rid of Your QA Team was Bad, Actually.
Making Software Reliable: The Importance of Testability
What is an inverted index, and why should you care?
Track Frontend JavaScript exceptions with Playwright fixtures
HTMX and Web Components: a Perfect Match
Weird things engineers believe about Web development
The size of your backlog is inversely proportional to how often you talk to customers
A Guide to Monads in JavaScript
Cold-blooded Software
Unit of Work
Printing Perfection, A Developer’s Journey with React-to-Print
What is design to code: an automated approach -
Simple tricks to level up your technical design docs in 2024 👌
Is NoSQL dead? - Turso Blog
Fetch Waterfall in React
Fixing memoization-breaking re-renders in React
How to Create an Automated Profile README using Nodejs and GitHub Actions
Alternate Futures for “Web Components”
Writing a file system from scratch in Rust · carlosgaldino
Programs Are Games, Programming is a Game
Diving into Server Actions in Next.js 14 - LogRocket Blog
The Evolving Landscape of API Protocols in 2023 | Postman Blog
What Is API Latency? | Postman Blog
What Is JWT? | Postman Blog
Bézier Curves - and the logic behind them | Richard Ekwonye
Load Balancing Algorithms Explained Visually