Just Ship, Baby
The Query Options API
Laurence Tratt: How Often Should We Sharpen Our Tools?
Error Codes
Behavior Belongs in the HTML
Software Development is very subjective
Next.js App Router migration: the good, bad, and ugly
We rebuilt the Flightcontrol dashboard with Next.js App Router and this post shares the good and bad experiences from it.
What are Webhooks and how to you use them?
What are Webhooks and how to you use them? Click to learn all about Webhooks with IFTTT.
An intuitive documentation strategy
4 billion if statements
The AHA Stack
Deleting 50,000 Lines of Code in 3 Days - Aakash N S
On “owning” software - avdi.codes
I made JSX for Lua (because I hate static sites)
You are never taught how to build quality software
Let’s learn how modern JavaScript frameworks work by building one
How to set a Page Weight Budget for a greener, faster website
A page weight budget is literally a budget of how much a webpage can weigh. It is the size of files transferred over the internet when a webpage is loaded.
Reduce the carbon emissions of your website - ClimateAction.Tech
Learn how to assess and reduce the carbon emissions of your website, and provide a better experience for your users!
Next.js Server Actions Made Dead Simple
All code is technical debt
Integration Testing Vercel Serverless Functions with OpenTelemetry
Let’s reinvent the wheel ⚒ Nerd
A Love Letter to Tinkerable Software
Postmortems in Software Development
Architecting a live look at reliability: Stripe's viral Black Friday site – Vercel
The foundations of the Frontend Cloud – Vercel
The user experience of the Frontend Cloud – Vercel
A definition update for Baseline | web.dev
Compression Streams are now supported on all browsers | web.dev