Found 206 bookmarks
Framer Awards: Site of the Year 2023
Framer Awards: Site of the Year 2023
Create and showcase your best website in the Site of the Year Framer Awards 2023. Submit by January 31st for a shot at global recognition.
Framer Awards: Site of the Year 2023
Reclaim Your Power - December 8, 2023
Reclaim Your Power - December 8, 2023
Close out your year by saying goodbye to people-pleasing and “proving value”—and hello to a whole lot more purpose, joy, and energy in 2024. A pay-what-you wish event.
Reclaim Your Power - December 8, 2023
Config 2024 | Figma
Config 2024 | Figma
2024 will be the most exciting Config yet! Join us in-person in San Francisco, or virtually June 26-27.
Config 2024 | Figma
Adobe MAX 2023 | The Creativity Conference
Adobe MAX 2023 | The Creativity Conference
Did you miss out on Adobe MAX 2023? Don't worry, you can still explore the latest tools and trends in design, video, photography, 3D, generative AI, and more.
Adobe MAX 2023 | The Creativity Conference
Welcome to the UX Design Awards
Welcome to the UX Design Awards
The UX Design Awards are the global competition for excellent experiences – honoring the best products and concepts across all industries twice per year.
Welcome to the UX Design Awards
The Webby Awards
The Webby Awards
The leading international award honoring excellence on the Internet.
The Webby Awards
The Game Awards
The Game Awards
Celebrate the best in video games and see what's next - Live from the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles.
The Game Awards
Anthem Awards Home
Anthem Awards Home
Brought to you by The Webby Awards, The Anthem Awards honors the purpose & mission-driven work of people, companies, and organizations worldwide. By amplifying the voices that spark global change, we’re defining a new benchmark for impactful work that inspires others to take action in their own community.
Anthem Awards Home
Home - FITC
Home - FITC
FITC is a professional celebration of the best the world has to offer in design, digital development, media and innovation in creative technologies
Home - FITC
Handverk og hönnun í Ráðhúsi Reykjavíkur
Handverk og hönnun í Ráðhúsi Reykjavíkur
Handverk og hönnun í Ráðhúsi Reykjavíkur 4.- 7. maí 2017 HANDVERK OG HÖNNUN hélt stóra sýningu og kynningu á handverki, hönnun og listiðnaði í Ráðhúsi Reykjavíkur í byrjun maí 2017. Fjölbreytnin réð ríkjum á sýningunni og greinilegt að gróskan er mikil í íslensku handverki, hönnun og listiðnaði. Meðal þess sem hægt var að skoða voru munir úr horni og beini, skartgripir, barnaföt, leir- og trémunir, leðurvörur, skór og fatnaður. Þessi sýning hefur verið afar vinsæl frá upphafi en hún var fyrst haldin árið 2006. Það eru listamennirnir og hönnuðirnir sjálfir sem kynntu vörur sínar á sýningunni. Myndir frá sýningunni
Handverk og hönnun í Ráðhúsi Reykjavíkur
Futurist Expo - Professional networking globally
Futurist Expo - Professional networking globally
Futurist Expo is an event about future and human progress, which will bring together international participants and audiences with the aim to showcase ideas, products and services beneficial for the future of society.
Futurist Expo - Professional networking globally
AI Toolbox for innovators
AI Toolbox for innovators
Generate, test, and pivot ideas like a pro with our AI-powered innovation toolbox. Our free tools, including future scenario creators and interview script generators, will elevate your innovation process so you can focus on bringing your ideas to life.
AI Toolbox for innovators
React Summit US – The Biggest React Conference in the US
React Summit US – The Biggest React Conference in the US
React Summit US is an in-person and remote first (hybrid) conference of all things React, gathering OSS authors, top trainers and speakers, as well as web engineers across the globe to meet in New York and online.
React Summit US – The Biggest React Conference in the US
JetBrains JavaScript Day 2023
JetBrains JavaScript Day 2023
JavaScript Day 2023 is a free virtual event focusing on modern JavaScript and TypeScript development, organized by JetBrains. This event is an excellent opportunity to learn from community experts, catch up on the latest trends, and connect with other like-minded professionals.
JetBrains JavaScript Day 2023